Reaching Through the Veil shows how angels are a part of our everyday lives. This blog is designed to share your experiences, stories that you find, quotes from General Authorities, and scriptures that show that angels are a part of our lives.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Something Only Angels Could Help Me With By Rebecca Wood


Something Only Angels Could Help Me With

By Rebecca Wood · March 18, 2021


I had a sweet Temple experience when my daughter Lauren was serving a mission in Peru. At the time she was serving in the southern part of Peru in the little city of Tacna. In her weekly email home, she casually mentioned to me that she had developed lice, which was probably from the children whom she loved so very much. It was just a side note and she didn’t expand on it. The weeks went by and although she still had the lice she never really acted like it was a problem. She indicated that she thought it was going away. She and her companion were having some incredible experiences that overshadowed the lice. But as her Mother, I was getting a little worried. 

After about 5 weeks, I received an email that read, “Mom… the lice is back, and worse than before. All week my head has been itching like crazy and finally, yesterday, I couldn’t take it any longer. Especially walking all day in the burning sun. So we went back to our room for my comp to check my head, and sure enough, not just the dead little guys from last week, but a new army of lice running all through my hair with plenty of eggs. It is THE most uncomfortable thing. We have spent the day cleaning any sheet, shirt, and brush that my hair has touched in the last week. My head is still full of it even though my companion pulled so much out yesterday, Mom, I have lost so much of my hair and I’m afraid we might have to cut it off. But, we saw so many miracles this week so I can’t complain because I think Heavenly Father is just blessing me more for my patience.” 

My heart sank when I read this. I called her sister who is out of state and we just cried. Lauren has long, thick beautiful hair that nearly goes to her waist. We talked about how helpless we felt and that if we were there the two of us would help her get rid of the lice. The next day was my Temple day. Knowing what Lauren was going through, I had her on the forefront of my mind during my visit.

That day, I had planned to do initiatory work with some family names. I was called back, and while waiting in the little room, I read the family name on my card. I immediately had this overwhelming feeling that started from my head and went down through my body. I knew at that moment that the sister’s name I had just read was in the room. I could feel her and I quickly started expressing to her my love for the Gospel. I bore my testimony and told her that I was doing a work for her that would make her so happy if she accepted it. I was then impressed to ask for a favor. 

I told her that just as I was doing something for her that she could not do for herself, I also needed help on something I couldn’t do for myself. I told her I had a daughter that was in a country far away in Peru that needed help. I told her how helpless I felt and how much I was worried about her condition. I asked her if she could please find 2 women that could take the place of her sister and me and do whatever it took to get rid of the lice. I then had the most calm feeling and by the time I left the Temple I was no longer uptight or worried. If anything, I just knew that I had been given peace.

Fast forward to the next Monday when I received an email from my missionary. The caption read  “Angel’s came to my rescue”. She went on to say that her Pencionista and sweet daughter had come to her rescue. It took them 5 hours, but they got all the lice out. Lauren said, “I just imagined them being you two because I know if I were home, it would be you two saving me.” She had no idea about the Temple experience I had just days earlier. I was so overcome with emotion seeing a picture of her with these two “Angel’s” that stepped in to help. My prayer was answered exactly how I requested. Our ancestors need us, but my testimony of us needing them was magnified. We can ask for their help and they are able to do things that we can’t do.  This strengthened my testimony of the work that goes on in the Temple. How grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who loves his missionaries and loves their Mothers enough to answer a prayer from another side of the world.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

For Such a Time as This: How Angels Shape History By Anne Hinton Pratt


For Such a Time as This: How Angels Shape History

By Anne Hinton Pratt · February 8, 2021


Since the beginning of human history angels have been an integral part in keeping the spiritual ball rolling on this planet.[1]  If we may be wondering where God is and what He is doing at this point in time, just look at what he has ALREADY done, knowing He can do it again! He sends angels to shield from fiery furnace,[2] shut lions’ mouths,[3] miraculously rescue from prison[4] and SAVE nations. Let’s explore some of these remarkable intercessions and then look forward to what’s coming next…

Angels Saving and Nurturing Israel

Did You Know that an angel appeared to Gideon and performed a miracle for him convincing him that he was the one chosen to smite the Midianites and SAVE ISRAEL?[5] OR that an angel appeared to Samson’s barren mother, telling her that she would bear a son that would DELIVER ISRAELfrom the Philistines.[6]

Did You know, because of all the excruciating trials that Paul went through, God sent Abel (son of Adam) as an angel of comfort? Joseph Smith writes that Abel had “become an angel of God…and was sent down from heaven unto Paul to minister consoling words, and to commit unto him a knowledge of the mysteries of godliness.” [7]

Did You Know that King Benjamin’s’ address was not in his own words, but the entire sermon was brought to him by an angel, so that the people could be taught about Christ and filled with joy?[8]

God sends angels to move His divine agenda forward.  He dispatches them to save, inform and sustain His people “Israel.”  President Nelson has taught us that whoever lets God Prevail and is willing to let God be the most important influence in his life, is of Israel. [9] Many historical figures fit into this category.



Columbus was divinely led by the Holy Spirit and angels.  In a speech delivered on July 4, 1854, in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, Elder Orson Hyde, an apostle talked about an angel that helped Columbus.  He said,

“This… angel was with Columbus, and gave him deep impressions, by dreams and by visions, respecting this New World.  Trammeled by poverty and by an unpopular cause, yet his persevering and unyielding heart would not allow an obstacle in his way too great for him to overcome; and the angel of God helped him,-was with him on the stormy deep, calmed the troubled elements, and guided his frail vessel to the desired haven.”[10] Columbus was “of Israel.”

Joan of Arc

One of my favorite people in history was Joan of Arc.  She was a 13-year-old uneducated and illiterate peasant girl in the 1400’s who began seeing and hearing angels who told her that it was her destiny to save France, which was then occupied by England. 

In a series of amazing events, with continual angelic help, she became General of the armies of France at age 17 and then led them into several important victories. 

She was captured by the English when she was 18, and had to endure a dank prison alone in chains, all the while suffering through a brutal sham trial for nearly a year.  In the trial she was questioned and verbally assaulted by 62 judges and not allowed any witnesses of her own.  She was accused of heresy and being a Witch, but during the entire trial, she gave brilliant and inspiring answers to all of the questions given her.  Her angels often told her what to say to her captors.  Here is some of the informative dialogue as her captors asked her about her angels.

“Whose was the first Voice that came to you when you were thirteen years old?”

It was the Voice of St. Michael.  I saw him before my eyes; and he was not alone, but attended by a cloud of angels.” [11]

In another setting her accusers asked her,

“Did the Voice seek you often?”

“Yes, Twice or three times a week, saying, ‘Leave your village and go to France”…

“What else did it say?”

“That I should raise the siege of Orleans.”

“Was that all?”

“No, I was to go to Vaucouleurs, and Robert de Baudricourt would give me soldiers to go with me to France; and I answered, saying that I was a poor girl who did not know how to ride, neither how to fight.” [12]

With the help of her angels this very young woman with NO military skills was raised up to eventually SAVE her nation.  

In the end she was found guilty through trickery by the leaders of the church and burned at the stake, but until the very end, she held fast to her testimony of Christ, and the angels who ministered to her.  Joan of Arc strengthened the faith of Millions. 

Joan was “of Israel.”

George Washington

George Washington had angels help him as he led his soldiers in the Revolutionary war.  He allegedly had a profound and poignant vision where an angel continually told him to “Look and learn.” President Washington then sees three great trials come to America, after which he said,

“…The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, ‘Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, passing which the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land, and the Union.’ With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat, and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.”[13]

Elder Orson Hyde stood at the pulpit in the Tabernacle and boldly declared that George Washington had angelic help.  He specifically referred to the angel Moroni in the camp of Washington. He stated:

“It was by the agency of that same angel of God that appeared unto Joseph Smith, and revealed to him the history of the early inhabitants of this country, whose mounds, bones, and remains of towns, cities, and fortifications speak from the dust in the ears of the living with the voice of undeniable truth. This same angel presides over the destinies of America, and feels a lively interest in all our doings. He was in the camp of Washington; and, by an invisible hand, led on our fathers to conquest and victory; and all this to open and prepare the way for the Church and kingdom of God to be established on the western hemisphere, for the redemption of Israel and the salvation of the world . . . “[14]

President Washington was chosen to SAVE the republic with the aid of angels.  He was “of Israel.”

Joseph Smith was Tutored by Many angels.

In a virtual 2020 Mission Leadership Seminar on June 26, President Russell M. Nelson spoke about the Prophet Joseph’s many experiences with angels.  Did you know that after the first vision, Joseph saw the Father or the Son eight additional times? Four of these occasions were of the Father and the Son together and four times with Christ alone.[15] 

Did you know that the angel Moroni came to Joseph Smith at least 20 times in the 1820s? President Nelson said that Joseph was “visited by 60 angels during his lifetime,” Some of these angels included John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John, and Moses, Elias, and Elijah.”[16]

These angels were all important in advancing the Kingdom of God with illuminating knowledge of restored doctrines, ordinances and sealing powers.  They came so the whole earth would not be utterly wasted at His coming.[17] They came with SAVING knowledge and authority.

Pioneer Angels

Elder James E. Faust shared a story in a conference address about one of the Martin and Willie handcart companies, who were trapped by early snows as they crossed the plains.  Their very lives were SAVED or aided by angels.  Elder Faust relays one pioneer’s story:

“I have pulled my handcart when I was so weak and weary from illness and lack of food that I could hardly put one foot ahead of the other.  I have gone on [to some point I thought I could never reach, only to feel that] the cart began pushing me.  I have looked back many times to see who was pushing my cart, but my eyes saw no one.  I knew then that the angels of God were there.” [18]

Israel claimed it’s own that day.

Angels Powerfully Shape Contemporary History

Recently Rhonda Hair told me of a fascinating experience she had seeing angels intervene in a very important issue.  She was at a committee hearing at the Utah state capitol building during a legislative session.  The bill being voted on was a very controversial one that effected the moral education of Utah children.  For some wonderful reason, her mind was spiritually opened up to be able to see angels there.  She says,

“The heavenly armies were there in force; I could see them filling the whole front of the room up where the committee members sat, and extending far beyond the walls.  But there was another presence there too; it was dark, cold, and more than empty– it felt as if it was a vacuum. The area with that dark feeling began on the far right side of the chamber where a few of the committee members sat, and extended into the audience, where the proponents of the bill sat.”

Rhonda observed that the three legislators who were sitting in the ‘dark’ area voted in favor of this corrupt bill, while those in the light area voted against it. Happily, on that day the “Israel” prevailed![19]

Wonderful Things are Coming!

Because God has sent so many angels to help throughout history, OF COURSE, He will continue to send many more to help His precious Israel. The good news is, WE ARE “Israel!” If we are truly willing to let God Prevail, we can expect angelic intervention in our lives!  He knows how to rescue, enlighten, and console us because He’s done it before.

So, remember and contemplate on what God has already done, and know that He will do equal or surpassingly great things in OUR futures.

You can CONTACT Anne at

[1] Alma 12:28-29 “And after God had appointed that these things should come unto man, behold, then he saw that it was expedient that man should know concerning the things whereof he had appointed unto them;

Therefore he sent angels to converse with them, who caused men to behold of his glory.” Italics added.

[2] Daniel 3:23-28.

[3] Daniel 6:16-23.

[4] Acts:4-11.

[5] Judges 6:11-22.

[6] Judges 13:3-5 3 “And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son… and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.”

[7] Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 169.  See also Donald Parry, Angels: Agents of Light, Love and Power, p. 132.

[8] Mosiah 3:2-3, Mos 4:1

[9] Russell M. Nelson, “Let God Prevail,” October Conference 2020.

[10] Journal of Discourses, 6,p.368. Italics added.

[11] Mark Twain, Joan of Arc. P. 343.

[12] Mark Twain, Joan of Arc. P. 333-334.


[14] Journal of Discourses, 6:368.



[17] Doctrine and Covenants 2:3; Joseph Smith History 1:39.

[18] Ensign, James E. Faust, “The Refiners Fire, ”May 1979, p. 53.

[19] Rhonda Hair, Personal interview and correspondence. Used with permission.

Angels That Bring Knowledge By Anne Hinton Pratt


Angels That Bring Knowledge

By Anne Hinton Pratt · March 10, 2021


From time to time God allows His angels to inform us of things that we could otherwise not know. They have abundant access to information and sometimes have permission to communicate it with us in some way.[1]  I’d like to share five profound experiences where angels have brought knowledge and understanding through voice, thought [2] or sight to those who were ready to listen…

“You Don’t Belong Here”
Haven Bouton had life-changing knowledge and direction conveyed to her by an angel.  She reports,

“I joined the church with my family when I was 15 years old. Prior to our lessons with the missionaries, my family and I attended different churches, trying to find where we belonged.
“When I was 14, my mother and I attended a local church service and while we stood during a musical performance, I felt the intense presence of someone behind me in the aisle, but when I looked nobody was there. Clear as day I heard a voice say, “You do not belong here!”  This repeated a few times more. I could feel the overwhelming presence of the angel through the rest of the service. I never went back there again and in a matter of months we were talking to the missionaries. When I attended my first sacrament meeting, I felt like I had finally arrived home. I knew that I belonged there, and I was grateful for the guidance of that angel to help me find truth.”[3]

Bringing truth and light is one of the assignments of angels.[4]  They are instrumental in helping many people find the Gospel.

Miraculous Intercession
Amelia Segi shared with me a story of a remarkable conversion that was instigated by an angel.  Her parents had been Ward Missionary leaders in her San Francisco 3rd Ward, Tongan Stake, and they often took her “tracting” with the missionaries.   She writes,

 “On one of these ‘tracting’ undertakings, my father walked up and knocked on the door of a house. Nobody answered the door, so he started to walk away.  Suddenly, a man ran up to the side gate and yelled out “Wait! Wait, I’ve been waiting for you all day. The man told me you will be coming today!”

Amelia’s father was puzzled and asked the man to explain what he meant.  The man began to cry as he told them his story.  She continues,

“He explained that he had been struggling the past year or so because he

had been injured at his job and couldn’t work.  He felt useless at home and became very depressed. He started to become an alcoholic and he was slowly starting to lose his family. He told us that the night before we came he was so drunk his family had left him.

“He said that he woke up on his kitchen floor to a bright light standing over him telling him that my father and missionaries would be stopping by to save him and that he should listen to them.

“He couldn’t stop weeping while telling us the story. My father, mother, my siblings and I, and the 4 missionaries also started to cry. He said it was shortly after this bright light went away that he heard the knock. He was so weak, but he kept yelling out ‘I’m here.’ He crawled all the way outside and that’s when he was able to stand up and yell out to my father.

“My family went on to help him by spending every day with him until he started to feel bright and happy again.  His life began to change.  After a month or so, this man, his wife, and four kids were baptized, and we were all blessed through the process.”[5]

Amelia’s family harvested blessings that were brought by an angel of God. Angels can bring knowledge and blessings in many forms.

Best Friend Returns from Grave to Inform and Comfort

Robert Cowart shared a touching experience that happened to his family.

On August 12, 2020 his wife of 53 years passed away and his son-in-law started calling family members on the phone about 45 minutes later to inform them of the death. 

Robert tells what happened then.  He explains,

“My son Stephen grew up in Savannah, Georgia and became lifelong friends with a boy down the road from us named Rob Hernandez.  Rob had married and had two small children but contracted cancer and died 2 years ago.  Before he died, Rob extracted a promise from my son Steven to look after his wife and children, which he has done religiously.

“Within moments of my wife’s death, Stephen was out walking with his wife Amy.  He suddenly stopped and said to her, ‘Amy, Rob just spoke to me and told me Mom has passed.  He told me not to worry, because he will take care of her.

When my son-in-law called him a few minutes later to report the death, Stephen revealed that he already knew she was gone.”[6] 

The knowledge Rob brought from beyond the veil was strengthening and supportive to the entire family.

How Angels Often Communicate

Boyd K. Packer taught illuminating doctrine when he said,

“Should an angel converse with you, neither you nor he would be confined to corporeal sight or sound in order to communicate. For there is that spiritual process described by the Prophet Joseph Smith by which pure intelligence can flow into our minds and by which we can know what we need to know without either the effort of study or the passage of time, because that is revelation.”[7]

Sometimes angels are directed to reveal pure intelligence to our minds.  Nothing is more enlightening or edifying than that flow of revelation

Angel Brings the Gift of Language to A Discouraged Missionary

Many years ago, there was a missionary who was struggling with German while on his mission.  It was a source of great frustration and seriously interfered with his ability to serve the people in Germany.

He went to a little grove of trees nearby and prayed with all his heart, pleading with the Lord to help him.  While there, an unusual thing happened.  His mother, who was dead, was allowed to appear and to have a long conversation with him.  He related the aftermath of that beautiful experience:

“…Thus, two or more hours were spent together, by far the most memorable of my whole life.  Mother said she knew I was having a hard time with the German language and asked me to meet her at the grove again the next day at the same hour as she also wanted to be helpful to me in this.  She explained that I would not see her again just as I saw her that day, as this personal appearance and visitation was by a special and divine appointment.  Then my mother disappeared exactly as she had come – almost unperceived.

“The next appointment was sacredly kept,… This time I could not behold her person nor hear her voice just as I had done on the preceding day, but there seemed to be just as divine a presence and an unquestionably clear conversation under a much higher law than we could possibly enjoy in our communications with each other here.  We understood and exchanged thoughts more rapidly, clearly and satisfactorily than is possible with human voices, for there was no worry about what to say and just how to say it to be properly and clearly understood.

“Exactly all that took place on this occasion, I do not remember, but I do know that something did transpire whereby I was able from that time to easily understand, to read and even write this new language (German) and in a most surprising manner to myself and those with whom I came in contact.”[8]

I love the process and principles by which angelic revelation can flow. 

In this last poignant story, an angel brings revelation in a very unusual way. 

Departed Catholic Priest Brings Saving Knowledge

Carola A. Strauss relates an extraordinary experience of how the appearance of a Catholic priest aided her grandmother, Anna Maria Theresia Lormess Fischer in becoming a member of the church.  This account took place in Hernkaschuetz, Germany in the late 1890’s.

“Anna Maria had always been extremely inquisitive about her church and its doctrine. She spent many hours talking to her priest in an attempt to understand and resolve in her own mind who God was, and what the purpose of life was, etc. She never felt satisfied with what she was told and always felt that something was missing. Anna Maria was especially concerned with what happens to us when we die.  In fact, that is what she and her priest discussed during her last visit with him.

“One morning, just prior to dawn, as Anna Maria was waking up, there appeared before her, her Catholic priest — he was holding a book. As he approached her, he held the book up and pointed to it. It was titled ‘Das Buch Mormon’ (the Book of Mormon). The priest said nothing to her; he simply continued to point to the book and then he disappeared.

“Confused, bewildered, and baffled by what had just taken place, she got out of bed, then set out to visit her priest so she could share with him her strange experience or dream.

“Upon reaching the church, she quickly learned of the untimely death of the priest. He had suddenly passed away earlier that week. My grandmother was thoroughly confused, to say the least.  She was convinced that she needed to find this mysterious book . . . she just knew it would provide her with some important answers to this entire puzzle.

“Although her attempts to locate the book seemed an exercise in futility, Anna Maria remained determined — she never stopped searching or hoping to find ‘the Book.’ A number of years as well as World War I passed by and then one day she found it… in an outdoor garbage can! She also tracked down the missionaries herself. 

As she read through the Book of Mormon’s pages, she found the answers to so many of the questions that had for so long perplexed her. She also now understood why her priest had appeared to her. He must have discovered the truth himself and wanted to make sure that she found it too!”[9]

The departed priest’s newly acquired level of light and knowledge must have qualified him for that angelic errand. He wanted to share his new understandings with Anna Maria, because he knew how much she sought truth.

Angels Bring Pure Intelligence to Shape Our lives

As these stories illustrate, angels operate at a higher level of light than we comprehend and can transfer that life-changing knowledge to us in amazing ways. Angels can bring truth; comfort or even a new skill to move us forward on the path God wants us to be on. 

Do you have any angel stories that you would like to share?  I’d love to hear them. Please CONTACT me at

[1] Alma 32:23 “He imparts his words by angels to men, women and children.”

[2] Dallin H. Oaks, Conference Report, Oct. 1998,, or Ensign, Nov. 1998, p. 39. “Angelic messages can be delivered by a voice or merely by thoughts or feelings communicated to the mind”

[3] Haven Bouton Al-Otaibi, personal correspondence.  Story used with permission.

[4] Doctrine and Covenants 20:35, “revelations … come hereafter by … ministering of angels,”

Moroni 7:25, “Wherefore, by the ministering of angels, and by every word which proceeded forth out of the mouth of God, men began to exercise faith in Christ;” 

[5] Amelia Segi, personal correspondence.  Story used with permission.

[6] Robert Cowart, personal correspondence.  Story used with permission.

[7] Boyd K. Packer. From an address delivered at a seminar for new mission presidents on June 19, 1991.

[8] Joseph Heinerman, Spirit World Manifestations: Accounts of Divine Aid in Genealogical and Temple Work, 1986. pages 185-189.

[9] Carola A. Strauss, personal correspondence.  Story used with permission.