Reaching Through the Veil shows how angels are a part of our everyday lives. This blog is designed to share your experiences, stories that you find, quotes from General Authorities, and scriptures that show that angels are a part of our lives.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Quote by Harold B. Lee

" I bear you my solemn testimony that the Church today is guided by revelation.  Every soul in it who has been blessed to receive the Holy Ghost has the power to received revelation.  When we begin to understand that beyond sight, as Brigham Young said, the spirit world is right here round about us, and if our spiritual eyes could be open, we could see others visiting with us,  directing us.  And if we will learn not to be so sophisticated that we rule out that possibility of impression from those who are beyond sight, then we too may have a dream that may direct us as a revelation."  Harold B. Lee, Stand Ye in Holy Places, Selected Sermons and Writings of Harold B. Lee.  p. 141, 143, 145

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Surrounded by Angels By Anne Hinton Pratt


Surrounded by Angels

By Anne Hinton Pratt · November 4, 2020


Cover image: “I Will Go Before Your Face” by Kenneth Turner.

There are remarkable things going on in all of our lives that we generally cannot physically see because of the restriction of the veil. Angelic interventions and miracles are ongoing, but never more so than in the lives of missionaries as they gather scattered Israel.  Sometimes the spiritual curtain is lifted, and angels are perceived.  These are stories worth being told…

Angels Surround Our Missionaries

Allison Kendrick shared with me the singular experience of seeing angels around a missionary at his missionary farewell.   She writes,

“When a missionary who had been my student in a church class was giving his farewell speech, I saw tall shining figures glowing and in white all around him. I couldn’t see their faces clearly, but I somehow knew that they were all his family members who had passed beyond the veil, and they seemed very proud of him. I later wrote and told him of my experience.”[1]

Laurel Larsen Stokes reported a very similar unexpected experience when she said,

I had the opportunity to see angels surrounding our missionaries when my husband was invited to play his Native American flute at a zone meeting in Santa Fe.  The Elder conducting the meeting advised the missionaries to quietly meditate during the hymn.  As I was meditating something brushed my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see the room crowded from floor to ceiling with the missionaries’ guardian angels.  I wrote to our missionaries’ parents to tell them my experience, so they knew how protected their beloved sons and daughters were.”[2]

Faithful missionaries are surrounded by angels, and at times people are blessed to see them.  The following story also shares this wonder.

Brilliance Emanating from their Faces

Sister Patrocinio wrote of an unforgettable experience she had while on her mission with an investigator in Sinop, Mato Grosso.  She writes,

“This week was very interesting.  We were teaching an elegant and highly educated woman named Zilamar. We went and gave her the introductory lesson and explained about the happiness we feel for being members of the Church…

“A few days later we returned on a follow-up visit.  We stayed there for over an hour conversing with her about her family, her husband and her trials…Then she said:  ‘The first time you visited me I saw something different in you.  I don’t know whether you believe in angels, but I saw two angels on each side of you, but I was unable to see the faces of those beings because they had a brilliance emanating from their faces that was so strong.  I know that you are protected by angels, because I saw those beings.’”[3]

Angels Have Charge Over Missionaries

In one of our most cherished scriptures, the Lord tells us,

I have given my heavenly hosts and mine angels charge concerning you….And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face.  I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”[4] 

Zilamar, in the previous story, joyfully witnessed this phenomenon.  The fact is, missionaries are often surrounded, protected and sustained by angels as they do the Lords work in both big and little ways.

Angels at the Airport

Elder Matt Hill was leaving for his mission in Nicaragua. His luggage was 93 pounds and he was told by the airline that he had to take out 23 pounds of weight in order to get on the plane.  He opened up the luggage and looked inside.  There was absolutely nothing that he felt he could be without on his mission.  He fervently prayed about what he should leave behind.  It was at this time, he “heard” the peaceful words in his mind,

Relax, put the suitcase back through.” 

Elder Hill exerted his faith and put his luggage through again without taking anything out as he had been spiritually instructed to do.  This time it went through with no problem, even though he didn’t know how.  He absolutely knew he had angels helping him.[5]

Angels Helping Missionaries Gather Israel

Before Christ’s FIRST COMING, there was a lot of angelic activity in the land. Alma tells us,

“Yea, the voice of the Lord, by the mouth of angels, doth declare it unto all nations; yea doth declare it, that they may have glad tidings among all his people…For behold, angels are declaring it unto many at this time in our landand this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory.”[6]

These same words are applicable for the SECOND COMING of Christ.  Angels are declaring truth to the hearts of those ready to receive the gospel now.

The truth is that angels are our companions as we endeavor to participate in gathering Israel.

When David Babbel was Mission President of the Brazil Brazalia Mission, 2002-2005, he and his missionaries had extraordinary experiences.  I would like to share two of them below with his permission.

Veil Opened for Missionaries to See a Presence            

Elder Manfre was aware that he had angelic help as he led a discussion with a family one evening.  The parents of this family had a young son who had recently died from a terrible accident and were very open to the truths of the gospel.  He writes:

“We began to teach them and the Spirit with us was very strong.  At times I was incredulous at the words that were coming from our mouths as we spoke by the Spirit.  Then my companion [Elder Homer] began to speak about eternal families.  The intensity of the Spirit became stronger and stronger, and I began to feel something different,—a feeling of great peace.  Next, I saw and felt the presence of a small child.  In that room I perceived a very strong light and I could discern the appearance of this small child.  

“My words became stronger with respect to how this man could reunite with his child after this life.  With tears in his eyes, this man told us that the hope that one day he could see his child again gave him the desire and strength of will to cope with the death of that child.  I don’t know how to describe with words the feelings that I had, but I know that for a moment the veil was opened and I saw and felt that light— a child that was not with us in physical matter – but in spirit. 

“Shortly thereafter the father of this child handed to me an album with some photos of his child.  I almost cried, because I was very certain then that it was the same child that I had just finished seeing and feeling.”[7]

That child angel was allowed to prepare the hearts of his parents as well as to bless the life of the missionaries.

Bright Angel that Gives Direction

“While on his mission in Brazil, Elder Melendez was serving as a Branch President over the Posse Goiás Branch.  He desperately needed guidance from the Lord in his calling.  He wrote:

“One Sunday night I arrived home from church and what made this Sunday different from all the others was the conversation I had with a member.  This person had not come to church for a long time because of things that had happened to her.

“After our conversation I came home and knelt in my room to pray.  I asked the Lord if He could please guide me as to what I should do and where I could find the information I needed.  I had the church manuals and looked through them constantly but could not find the answer I was seeking.  At the end of the day when we returned to our house I looked again and still could not find it, so I prayed and went to bed.

“That night I will never forget.  As I slept, it felt as though someone came to me and they said that they were sent to get me.  This person was dressed in pure white, so I followed him.  He took me to a room that was pure white and then the room became brighter and brighter, I looked at the person who had brought me but I could not see his face;  I just saw him point toward the source of light as if beckoning me to go ahead and ask.  So, I explained what was going on and that I was looking for some guidance as to what I should do.  The light didn’t say anything.  All it did was extend its hand and point to the church manuals.  I explained that I had looked and couldn’t find what I was seeking.  The hand then grabbed a piece of paper that had a number written on it.  I took the number, and the person who brought me there took me by the hand and brought me back.

“As soon as I woke up I ran to my desk to find both books laid on my table.  (The night before I had placed the books in my room on my bag).  I remembered the number and opened the book immediately.  As I read the page it was exactly what I was seeking.”[8] 

Marvelous! All of these stories show how missionaries are surrounded, protected, and enlightened by angels.

Angelic interventions and miracles are ongoing as missionaries are aided in preparing hearts for the Gospel.  Heavenly hosts surround and “bear them up” in both big and little ways helping them to gather scattered Israel.

[1]Allison Kendrick, personal correspondence.  Used with permission.

[2] Laurel Larsen Stokes, personal correspondence.  Used with permission.

[3] Personal Correspondence with David Frederick Babbel, and quote from his book, Mine Angels Round About You, p. 4-5, Used with permission.

[4] D & C 84:42,88. Italics added.

[5] Matt Hill, personal correspondence.  Used with permission.

[6] Alma 13: 22,24,25. Italics added.

[7] David Frederick Babbel, Mine Angels Round About You, p. 122 Used with permission.

[8] David Frederick Babbel, Mine Angels Round About You, p. 67-68.  Used with permission.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

5 Ways Angels Communicate With Us


5 ways angels communicate with us

byDonald W. Parry, adapted from "Angels: Agents of Light, Love, and Power" | Sep. 21, 2020

This excerpt was originally published by LDS Living in August 2018 and is being shared again in honor of the anniversary of the night the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith. 

President Boyd K. Packer taught that divine revelation may come in various ways: “The Lord reveals His will through dreams and visions, visitations, through angels, through His own voice, and through the voice of His servants. ‘Whether by mine own voice,’ He said, ‘or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.”1 Depending on the needs of mortals and according to the will of the Lord, angels communicate with mortals in a variety of ways—by a visitation, by a voice, by thoughts, by feelings, or in other ways. . . .

Many visitations from the spirit world are from relatives, including grandparents, parents, and siblings. Deceased friends, too, may visit loved ones with messages from God. President Joseph F. Smith wrote, “Our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh.”2 President Smith then gave an example of Sister Cannon, who “can return and visit her friends,” but he added, it had to “be in accordance with the wisdom of the Almighty” because “there are laws to which they who are in the Paradise of God must be subject, as well as laws to which we are subject.”3

1. Angels can communicate through dreams and visions.

Is there a difference between a vision and an inspired dream? Elder James E. Talmage explained: “In general, visions are manifested to the waking senses whilst dreams are given during sleep. In the vision, however, the senses may be so affected as to render the person practically unconscious, at least oblivious to ordinary occurrences, while he is able to discern the heavenly manifestation. In the earlier dispensations, the Lord frequently communicated through dreams and visions, oftentimes revealing to prophets the events of the future even to the latest generations.”4 Examples of angels communicating with persons in dreams include Jacob (“And the angel of God spake unto me in a dream”; Genesis 31:11), and Joseph (“the angel appeared unto him in a dream”; Matthew 1:202:13, 19).

Some individuals may tend to minimize the significance of dreams originating from God. Some indicate that a vision is greater or more important, but both President Spencer W. Kimball and President Harold B. Lee taught regarding the importance of God-inspired dreams.5 Even as various persons, both men and women, from the Bible and Book of Mormon had God-inspired dreams and visions that included angels, both men and women in the last days may also experience heavenly communications. Such was the testimony of the prophet Joel (Joel 2:28; see also Acts 2:17). When he visited the young Joseph Smith on the evening of September 21, 1823, the angel Moroni cited Joel 2:28–32 and stated that the words of these verses would soon be fulfilled (see Joseph Smith–History 1:41).

2. Angels communicate with mortals by speaking to them.

We know that angels communicate with mortals by speaking to them. For example, “the angel of the Lord called unto [Abraham] out of heaven . . . the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time . . .” (Genesis 22:11, 15). Alma 12:29 states that God “sent angels to converse with them.” President Brigham Young told his audience that “there are persons in this congregation that will converse with angels just as freely as we converse with each other.”6

President Boyd K. Packer, citing passages from the Book of Mormon, explained: “We are told that ‘angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost.’ We are even told that when we speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, we ‘speak with the tongue [or in the same language] of angels.’ (2 Nephi 31:132 Nephi 32:2.)”7 President Packer further explained: “Nephi explained that angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, and you can speak with the tongue of angels, which simply means that you can speak with the power of the Holy Ghost. It will be quiet. It will be invisible. There will not be a dove. There will not be cloven tongues of fire. But the power will be there.”8

On one occasion, Elder Parley P. Pratt was seeking men to join Zion’s Camp; he had traveled for many hours by carriage, ridden through the night, and finally stopped to rest at noon. He loosened the horse to permit it to graze, and then he fell asleep. Because of his exhaustion, he later recorded, he “might have lain in a state of oblivion till the shades of night had gathered about me. . . . I had only slept a few moments till the horse had grazed sufficiently, when a voice, more loud and shrill than I had ever before heard, fell on my ear, and thrilled through every part of my system; it said: ‘Parley, it is time to be up and on your journey.’” Elder Pratt quickly responded, found his horse, and traveled on until he rejoined Zion’s Camp. When he told Joseph Smith of this experience, the Prophet explained that it was “the angel of the Lord who went before the camp” who woke him.9

3. Angels communicate with thoughts or feelings.

In addition to angels’ visitations and conversations, angels may communicate with thoughts or by feelings. Elder Dallin H. Oaks summarized: “The ministering of angels can also be unseen. Angelic messages can be delivered by a voice or merely by thoughts or feelings communicated to the mind. President John Taylor described ‘the action of the angels, or messengers of God, upon our minds, so that the heart can conceive . . . revelations from the eternal world’ (The Gospel Kingdom, sel. G. Homer Durham [1943], 31).

“Nephi described three manifestations of the ministering of angels when he reminded his rebellious brothers that (1) they had ‘seen an angel,’ (2) they had ‘heard his voice from time to time,’ and (3) also that an angel had ‘spoken unto [them] in a still small voice’ though they were ‘past feeling’ and ‘could not feel his words’ (1 Nephi 17:45) . . . Most angelic communications are felt or heard rather than seen.”10

As Elder Oaks attested, mortals can feel the words of an angel. The full text of 1 Nephi 17:45 states: “Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God. Ye have seen an angel, and he spake unto you; yea, ye have heard his voice from time to time; and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not feel his words; wherefore, he has spoken unto you like unto the voice of thunder, which did cause the earth to shake as if it were to divide asunder” (italics added). The concept of feeling an angel’s words may be indicated in the following passage from latter-day scripture: “Which our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation to be revealed in the last times, which their minds were pointed to by the angels, as held in reserve for the fulness of their glory” (D&C 121:27).

4. Angels can give impressions.

Christopher Columbus was guided by an angel from the Lord, who “gave him deep impressions,” taught Elder Orson Hyde on America’s Independence Day in 1854: “[An] angel was with Columbus, and gave him deep impressions, by dreams and by visions, respecting this New World. Trammelled by poverty and by an unpopular cause, yet his persevering and unyielding heart would not allow an obstacle in his way too great for him to overcome; and the angel of God helped him.”11

5. Angels can communicate through pure intelligence.

Other Church authorities provide additional understanding regarding spiritual communications with angels. President Boyd K. Packer, citing the Prophet Joseph Smith, referred to “pure intelligence,” which one may experience when communicating with an angel: “Should an angel converse with you, neither you nor he would be confined to corporeal sight or sound in order to communicate. For there is that spiritual process described by the Prophet Joseph by which pure intelligence can flow into our minds and by which we can know what we need to know without either the effort of study or the passage of time, because that is revelation.”12

Laws govern angels and their communications.

Angels’ visitations and communications must be authorized by those authorities who are assigned to direct such work. All of God’s messengers, whether they are resurrected or translated beings, unembodied or disembodied spirits, or mortals must comply with God’s laws relating to communication among the different spheres of existence. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that “the organization of the spiritual and heavenly worlds, and of spiritual and heavenly beings, was agreeable to the most perfect order and harmony: their limits and bounds were fixed irrevocably.”13 Without order and divine organization among the spheres, there would exist chaos and confusion. Elder Orson F. Whitney explained: “God’s house is a house of order, and the spirit world is a room in that house. This being the case, it is only reasonable to conclude that before anything important or unusual can take place there, the Master of the Mansion must first give consent. Otherwise confusion would prevail, and the divine purpose for which the veil was dropped between the two worlds might be thwarted. . . . Permission from the Great Father would have to be obtained before one of his children, either an unembodied or a disembodied spirit, could make itself manifest to mortals.”14

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Although angels are a vital part of Latter-day Saint history and doctrine, their roles and purposes are often misunderstood. In this inspiring volume, author Donald W. Parry discusses in a clear and understandable way what we can learn from the scriptures and from modern prophets and apostles about angels and their missions. Available now at


1.     “Personal Revelation: The Gift, the Test, and the Promise,” Ensign, Nov. 1994, 61; see also N. Eldon Tanner, “Warnings from Outer Space,” Ensign, Nov. 1972, 26: “Since the very beginning of time we have a record of God’s messages to man, either by personal appearance, by angels, by direct revelation, by visions, by dreams, or by inspiration.”

2.     Gospel Doctrine, 436.

3.     Gospel Doctrine, 436.

4.     Articles of Faith, 205.

5.     Kimball, “The Cause Is Just and Worthy,” Ensign, May 1974, 119; Lee, Stand Ye in Holy Places, 142.

6.     Journal of Discourses, 5:258.

7.     “Personal Revelation: The Gift, the Test, and the Promise,” Ensign, Nov. 1994, 59.

8.     “The Gift of the Holy Ghost: What Every Member Should Know,” Ensign, Aug. 2006, 49–50.

9.     Autobiography, 93–94.

10.“The Aaronic Priesthood and the Sacrament,” Ensign, Nov. 1998, 38–39.

11.Journal of Discourses, 6:368.

12.Mine Errand from the Lord, 125.

13.Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 325.

14.Saturday Night Thoughts, 307.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Visits from the Unborn By Anne Hinton Pratt


Visits from the Unborn

By Anne Hinton Pratt · August 10, 2020


The most poignant feelings we have in this mortal existence often involve the deep connections we enjoy with our children and grandchildren. There is a familiarity that is often present with these children even before they are born. When the veil is very thin…

The Presence of Spirits

A couple of days after my 2nd son was born (third pregnancy), I was laying on the bed resting, when I distinctly felt the presence of spirits in the room on my left side. I had the uncanny feeling that they were my unborn children and were there viewing me and the circumstances that they would be born into.  At that time, an extraordinary thing happened.  I suddenly felt a yearning to have more children.  This was not normal! My default position after having a baby was generally something like, “Well, I’m never doing that again!” But strangely, just a day or two after this son was born I was wanting to welcome new spirits into my home.  I marveled at the change of heart that they brought, opening the way for them to be.

The singularity of sensing pre-born children is always sacred and oh so sweet! I’ve had many people willing to share their wonderful stories with me and have been given permission to also communicate them with you. Each story illustrates an inspiring way to be re-introduced to well-known, yet-to-be-born loved ones.

 “There is My Mother!”  “I Know You!”

Shelli Dimig had an experience akin to mine, where she felt a son who was observing her before birth.  She said,

“One afternoon in 1999, I was walking into my bedroom to set down a basket of laundry on my bed, feeling very, very ill due to major heartburn and morning sickness, being about four months pregnant. As I sat the basket down, I heard a click in the upper left-hand corner of my bedroom. I looked there and immediately heard an adult male voice say, “THERE IS MY MOTHER.” I was completely shocked, not expecting such an occurrence! I stood there and marveled that I must be having a boy and that he had, apparently brought his friend to see his future mother through the veil.

“I became very attached to my son-to-be at that point and looked forward to meeting him again and raising him.  (An interesting note is that my son Jay was born at home in that room just a few feet away from where I heard the click from above! It was a sacred space.)” [1]

Diane Chase told me about how after her 5th daughter was born, she became reacquainted with her daughter’s familiar spirit. As she was holding her in the hospital, they locked eyes and the message that clearly came through was, “I KNOW YOU!”[2] 

What a powerful message that was, and from then on the beautiful relationship with her daughter began again.

At times parents feel their yet-to-be-born children communicating with them to greet, advise, inform or comfort.  In the following story, the messages came to a grandmother who was able to encourage her unsettled granddaughter to come to earth. 

Hesitation of Preexistent Spirit

Laurel Larsen Stokes writes the following powerful experience:

“Just a year ago I was relaxing after a previous busy day at work and laying on my bed reading and dozing.  I was literally shaken awake by my ancestors, and I suddenly had an abrupt, emergent, encompassing “knowing” that there was a problem with my granddaughter that was scheduled to be born by C-section that day. I knew there was some kind of an emergency, so I immediately took action by checking with my daughter to see if there were any issues with the baby prior to her planned C-section.  Her only response was that it had been delayed for a couple of hours, but the unborn baby was doing fine.  I texted my other two daughters and asked them for their prayers and spoke to my husband asking for his prayers.   

“I felt the ancestors knew I needed to do those things while they waited for me. I went back to my room, sat on my bed feeling them surround me again.  I then was met by my great grandmother who was one of the early church midwives in northern Utah.  Though I have seen pictures of her when she was older, I was now seeing her as a young adult, but I had a “knowing” who she was. 

She escorted me over to an area where there were other spirits. Without speaking, she conveyed through thoughts that my granddaughter was there and was very hesitant to be born.  I communicated to my granddaughter without speaking that we would be there for her and would help her!  I then was sent back to my physical surroundings.

“My granddaughter was born healthy two hours later.” [3]

Who knows what would have happened if Laurel had not been allowed to intervene. The next story also involves a grandmother.  In this experience she saw her granddaughter in great detail in a very special setting…

Shining Apparition

JoJean Loflin had an extraordinary experience which occurred on November 7, 2002. Her daughter Andrea had struggled with carrying babies to full term and had previously lost several of them early on.  She had finally succeeded in her third in-vitro attempt, and the whole family rejoiced for her.  JoJean writes:

“On that Thursday morning, I left the house early as always to attend my Temple shift in the Provo Utah Temple.  That morning my heart was overflowing with gratitude and joy.  I expressed my thanks to God for the pregnancy of my daughter and asked that I would be open to the holy influences of the Temple.                                                                                           

“The Endowment room, as is customary, was darkened for the showing of the film, and I struggled to stay awake that hour of the morning, after just a few hours of sleep, and perhaps had briefly dozed off.

“I suddenly came to myself, raised my head, and looked around the darkened room, at this time fully awake. In the center of the aisle, between the two sides of the room, I saw light begin to gather and spread. It became brighter and brighter, filling the center of the room, though I still sat in darkness, and I saw a figure taking shape in the light that clearly became the figure of a woman.

“As she became more distinct, I was aware that the light continued to radiate into the back and upper corners of the room, and all around her. She was tall, slender and beautiful. Her whole being was radiant beyond my capacity to describe – glorious, elegant, shining, exquisite. She was wearing a white gown, gathered loosely at the base of the neck and falling from there to her feet and having long full sleeves that came to the wrist and were gathered into a cuff there. Her hands were beautiful and graceful, her arms not straight at her sides but with elbows bent, hands in front of her, her right hand slightly outstretched toward me.

“She was not a phantom or an apparition; I could not see through her but perceived her as a person of solidity and substance. I watched in awe for perhaps 30- 40 seconds or so, as she stood there and looked at me. Then the light slowly began to gather out of the corners and back into the center until it faded away completely, and she was gone.

“I had a hard time concentrating after that.  I didn’t know what to think or how to think…

After the session JoJean went home where she immediately was told that she needed to go to Andrea because things weren’t good.  She met with Andrea and her husband shortly thereafter and learned that during an ultrasound just a couple of hours before, no heartbeat was found.  Their baby daughter was dead. JoJean continues:

“I shared with them my experience of the morning and expressed the possibility that that beautiful angel was their unborn daughter. Since that time, I have become ever more convinced that indeed she was.

“The reality of that experience was an immeasurable comfort to me in the weeks that followed it – and it has been a source of wonder and joy to me ever since.  I testify now and forever that this was not a dream; it was not a hallucination. It was not a figment of my imagination. It was as real as anything I have ever seen or felt in my life” [4]

What a powerful experience JoJean had!  It’s an honor to those for whom the veil is thinned, even though the situations may be heartbreaking.  In this final miraculous story, both parents, in three different settings, were privileged to communicate with their unborn daughter.

Tragedy and Miracles

Teiva Kubiak and his wife Haunui live on the island of Moorea near Tahiti.  Haunui has had a difficult time with pregnancies in the seven years they have been married.  In the pregnancy I will be referring to, she was nearly four months along when she began encountering problems, eventually losing all the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.  When this happened, their baby girl [who they named Nuihere] died.  They were devastated because they had been praying for a miracle of healing. Their miracles, however, came in unusual ways.

An amazing sequence of spiritual events began about five days before their baby died.  At that time, they didn’t know the sex of the child, so it was enlightening when Haunui had a vision of a young woman she instantly recognized as her child.  In the vision, this beautiful young woman was waving goodbye to her, so Haunui became alerted for what was coming.

A few days later when Haunui was required to be transported by ambulance from their home to the hospital, she herself died for a short time.  In the spirit world, she saw this same daughter, dressed in white with Christ. It was a magnificent, incredible experience! Haunui desperately  wanted to stay there with them, but both Nuihere and the Lord told her that she hadn’t finished her mission and that she needed to return to her husband Teiva because he needed her more…

Haunui was resuscitated and was able to return home.

A week later, Teiva and Haunui went to the temple to express their tremendous gratitude to Heavenly Father for her recovery.  Teiva continues the story in his own words:

“In the celestial room, as I was praying, I deeply asked our Father in Heaven to let Nuihere come to me. As I was asking, I could feel her love for me. She was with me, like holding me in her arms. It was a moment I will cherish forever. Even writing it now makes tears come out. It lasted like 5 minutes then vanished, but I will never forget it. Only a very few number of people know this story, but I’m happy to share it now as a testimony that the family is eternal.” [5]

Gamut of Experience

In these stories I’ve shared the gamut of experience from the unborn popping in to provide unexpected delight,- to a grandmother encouraging a spirit to be born, – to the witnessing of a spirit before or after death.  Each story illustrates such beautiful ways to be re-introduced to well-known loved ones.

For reasons only God fully knows, some spirits are permitted to manifest themselves to us. When we feel, hear, or see their spirits in this realm it’s a very sacred experience that opens the doorway from one world to another and lets us know how very thin the veil can be…