Reaching Through the Veil shows how angels are a part of our everyday lives. This blog is designed to share your experiences, stories that you find, quotes from General Authorities, and scriptures that show that angels are a part of our lives.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Don't Let Me Die Here By Gerald Lund

"Don’t Let Me Die Here": How a Touching Visit from Her Deceased Husband Brought One Woman Peace

Let me share one example of a divine signature that has special significance for me personally. This was a tender mercy in the fullest sense of the word tender. My father, typical of many other men from his generation, did not express emotion openly very often. In all my growing-up years, I can never remember him telling me or any of my brothers and sisters that he loved us. We knew that he did, because he was a good father. He read stories to us almost every night. He taught us to work and how to be responsible.
The one exception to his emotional reticence was with my mother. With her, he was openly expressive of his love. He would often take her in his arms in front of us and tell us how she was the best thing that ever happened to him. Then he would kiss her soundly. It always embarrassed Mom but delighted us. One of the quickest ways to trigger Dad’s wrath was to be sassy to Mom. That behavior was corrected instantly and in a way that was not quickly forgotten. . . .
After more than sixty years of married life, my father died of colon cancer in 1995. As I watched Mom as the months and years moved on, I came to understand in ways I had not understood before what it meant to grieve for a person. She went on with life as a widow for the next nine years, but never quite got over the loss of Dad. She lived close to us and my siblings for a time, then moved in with our family for three years before we were called to go to England.
One day while we were having breakfast together, we were talking about Dad, and I said something about how protective and caring he had always been toward her. Her eyes immediately misted up as she nodded. Then she told us that in the latter part of their life the tenderness had only increased.
“He was always so tender with me in those last years,” she said. “For example, every night when we went to bed, we would lay there and talk for awhile. Finally, as we prepared to go to sleep, he would reach across to me and lay his hand on my cheek.” By now the tears were flowing. “Then he would say, ‘I love you, Evelyn.’”
By that time, both my wife and I were a little teary-eyed too. But she wasn’t through. “I have something I want to share with you about your father that I’ve never shared before. This happened about a year after he died.” She then reminded us of how she did not like the dark. I had to smile. That was an understatement. Mom hated being alone in the dark.
She continued with her story:
One night, I had gone to bed. The house was pitch-black and as I lay there all alone, the old feelings of fear and anxiety began to rise. I started thinking about your dad and how much I missed him. I missed him comforting me when I became frightened of the dark. As I was thinking about that, suddenly my heart began to pound. It was racing so fast and so hard that I was gasping for breath. I was terribly frightened. I was sure I was having a heart attack. What was even worse was the thought that I would die there alone in the dark and it might be days before anyone even knew.
She had to stop then, she was crying so hard. For all of her gentle spirit, my mother was not one to show her emotions either. Finally, regaining enough composure to go on, she said:
I was so terrified that I involuntarily cried out in my mind, “Heavenly Father, please don’t let me die here alone.”
For a moment, nothing happened. Then suddenly, I felt a hand rest against my cheek. And I heard your father say, “I love you, Evelyn.” That was all. But instantly, I was at peace. My heart slowed; my fear disappeared. A few minutes later, I fell into a deep sleep and slept through the rest of the night.
Mom passed away in August 2004. Even now, years after she told us that story, I cannot think of it without getting emotional all over again. Talk about tender mercies! And not just for her. My wife and I were also greatly blessed that morning. I silently thanked my Heavenly Father for allowing Dad that brief penetration of the veil. It enriched Mom’s remaining life, and it certainly enriched ours.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Angels that Comfort

Angels that Comfort
By Anne Hinton Pratt · June 17, 2020

During this time in our lives when our world as we know it seems to be collapsing before our eyes, we’re all looking for comfort. Make no mistake; there IS comfort to be found. There is a holy team in the heavens that pushes for our good. It includes our Father, Christ, the Holy Ghost and Angels. Today I want to focus on the angels that God dispatches to bring His solace and support to His children.
Angels Are Near Us
On an especially difficult day years ago, I was feeling despondent and anxious about something that had happened. Slowly into my consciousness, I began to “HEAR” a line from a well-known hymn.  The music and lyrics looped over and over in my mind with the words:
            “O know ye not that angels are near you?” [1]
It really spoke truth to my soul and was the first time that I realized that angels had anything to do with me.  I’ve come to realize how integral they are in ALL of our lives, at times bringing powerful messages of love and comfort from God.  I’d like to relay a few of your stories that have touched my heart…
Walking with an Angel
Vicki Hinton had an amazing angelic experience when she was only 15 or 16 years old.  She had just spent Christmas holiday with her family in the States and was returning to Austria to continue her schooling.  Her flight was arriving very late that night in a small airport in Germany, and she wouldn’t be able to connect her flight to Austria until the following day.  It was nearly midnight and she was told that the airport was shutting down soon.  Oh no! She hadn’t expected that! What should she do?  She asked an airline employee if there was someplace that she could spend the night.  The lady gave her directions to the nearest bed and breakfast that was supposed to be close by, and Vicki started walking.
Vicki writes:
“She assured me that I didn’t need a taxi as the place was within walking distance, but to my absolute dismay, the “road” she told me to walk along was a highway, with no sidewalks or lights. I didn’t see any buildings, or homes, or anything. I wondered if I had gotten my directions wrong, but the airport was closed now and there was no one to ask.
“It was raining and very dark and I could hardly see one step in front of me. I worried that I might come across a transient. I started to feel terribly upset, alone and SO vulnerable…
“And then I felt it! I felt the presence of an unseen being walking with me. Even after I noticed it, it still took me a minute to calm down. And then we walked together quietly.  I was filled with peace, and I did not feel afraid anymore. Eventually, I saw my destination. After I arrived, and the       door was opened to me, the presence that I had felt left.
“When I entered my room and sat upon my bed, I pondered a little of what had just happened.  I wondered if the angel was still with me, maybe always was with me?  I did not know.  What I did know was that in a time of great anxiety and fear, I was given the awareness and comfort of an angel with me.  I am forever grateful that in my moment of need, I was given exactly the kind of help that I needed.”[2]
Vicki felt she was given the gift of knowing that someone was walking with her. Angels may have been with her many times before, but on this occasion, she KNEW she was walking in the presence of God’s loving minister.
Elder F. Enzio Busche explained
“…there are powers surrounding us, trying to help us… We do not     understand what is happening – that someone from the other side who loves us dearly is watching over us, trying to bring us to a state of awakening and wanting to help us.” [3]
Vicki “awakened” to someone helping her that night, although she didn’t know who it was. Sometimes, we are blessed to know who the angel is that blesses us, as in the following three stories.
Overcoming Anxiety and Fear
Kristen Openshaw had a time in her life where she felt alone and desperately needed comfort during the cancer operation of her young daughter.  She writes:
“During my 11-year-old daughter’s cancer surgery, I was overcome with fear. While waiting for a doctor to come to the waiting room to tell us the results, I felt a soft hand on my cheek, gently cupping and patting my        face.
“When I was a teenager, my mother had been sick with breast cancer, and had died, but I remember how she always patted and comforted us. I knew that she was there with me in the hospital room, waiting with me.”[4]
Kristen felt God’s love brought directly to her by the touch of her mother.
Powerful Sustenance
My husband’s great great grandfather Elder Parley P. Pratt had a similar experience to Kristen’s.  During a period of terrible distress and suffering, he felt supported by a loved one from the other side.
Parley had been held captive for months in a Missouri dungeon, and was downcast and dejected.  He had been fasting and praying for several days to receive hope and solutions when he received a beautiful and very welcome answer to his prayer.  He writes,
A personage…stood before me with a smile of compassion in every look, and pity mingled with the tenderest love and sympathy in every expression of the countenance…. A well-known voice saluted me, which I   readily recognized as that of the wife of my youth, who had for nearly two years been sweetly sleeping where the weary are at rest.” [5]
Parley’s wife came back from the spirit world to give him the powerful sustenance that he needed to make it through.  Sometimes all we need during hard times is to receive reassurance from someone who understands our plight.
Appearance in the Temple
A dear friend of mine, I’ll call Janice, had a very sweet experience of angelic comfort during an extremely upsetting and disappointing time in her life.  She lived quite a distance from all her seven siblings (one deceased), and she decided to plan a family reunion where everyone and their families would come to where she lived and participate in the historical sites and amusements available in her area.  As she was planning it, everyone agreed to come. 
Janice spent a lot of time making arrangements and was excited to see everyone.  As the time for reunion approached, however, one by one, each of her siblings had something come up and were not able to come!  Janice was so disappointed and was crestfallen because she had put her heart and energy into this project, and in the end…nothing.  She decided to go to the temple for comfort. 
During the session, she suddenly became aware that her deceased brother stood beside her.  No words were spoken, but in a moment of awareness, Janice realized that he was there because of the reunion.  No one else was able to come, but HE came.  This brought her great consolation. [6]
Vicki, Kristen, Parley, and Janice all learned what God wants ALL of us to learn; that we are loved.  Sending angels is one way for Him to accomplish that objective.
Because of Who We Are
Jeffrey R. Holland explained that,
“Occasionally the angelic purpose is to warn.  But most often it is to comfort, to provide some form of merciful attentionguidance in difficult times.”[7]
Yes, our times are difficult, but as Children of the Most High God we are entitled to a member of the Godhead or one of His angels to help us through, because we are HIS.  As we turn to the Lord seeking spiritual altitudes during these trying circumstances, angels are frequently dispatched to bring comfort and support. Yes Angels ARE near us…

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Angels That Bring Healing By Anne Hinton Pratt

Angels That Bring Healing
By Anne Hinton Pratt · April 23, 2020

During difficult times of distress, suffering, or anxiety, it’s inspiring to hear about times when angels are sent to heal and comfort the troubled minds and bodies of the faithful, and to realize that maybe our time is coming.
Falling Off A Balcony
Sherry Simister told me about a miraculous experience she had with angels in the hospital after falling from the two-story balcony of her home.
As she was falling, she had a silent seizure (where she couldn’t make any sound) and she began to plunge headfirst to the ground.  Her husband tried unsuccessfully to save her by grasping at her shoulder as she toppled over.  This changed her trajectory so that she landed flat on her back rather than her head, which probably spared her life, but left her broken and in tremendous pain.
As she lay in the hospital feeling helpless, and praying for help, her pain became unbearable.  She wondered if the future only held suffering for her.  At this moment of trauma she had a magnificent experience of angelic support.  She said:
“I was in such severe pain and was wondering if I would ever walk again or be pain free.  I looked at the side of my bed and suddenly became aware that I had family from generations past surrounding my bed.  During that six-week stay in the hospital I was encircled daily by these ancestors. Without their love and support, I don’t think I would have been able to deal with the excruciating pain.  The pain medication was high, but it wasn’t high enough.  My angels were just so very comforting and deeply needed.  They did not leave until I was ‘out of the woods.’ I was greatly blessed by them being there”[1]
 A lot of love was manifested from those angels as they helped Sherry in the healing process.  Angels can show themselves in a variety of ways.  Notice how they manifest in the following experience:
Three Angel Doctors Save Small Child
Carolyn Doughty and her family had an excruciating circumstance, which involved her two-year-old son, Jeffrey.  He was a very active and adventuresome child who bolted off one Saturday morning.  He was soon missed, and family members went searching for him.  He was discovered face down and lifeless in a neighbor’s swimming pool by his 15-year-old brother, Chris, who fetched him out.
Chris did his best to resuscitate his brother until the paramedics came, but didn’t see that he was responding in any way.  At that moment of great alarm, he heard Jeffrey’s voice in his mind that said,
            “Keep going.  I want to live!”
When the paramedics arrived, they worked on Jeffrey for a little while, but felt that nothing was working, and they wanted to give up.  They told the family that the boy was dead.  Chris begged them to take Jeffrey to the hospital.  They reluctantly agreed and took him there even though Jeffrey’s heart had stopped beating, and his veins had stopped pumping.
Upon arrival at the hospital on a Saturday morning (where there typically was little going on), there “just happened” to be three top specialists there.  One was a heart specialist; one a lung specialist and one was a pediatrician (three crucial doctors for Jeffrey’s case). They quickly conferred about what to do, then worked on Jeffrey to reestablish a heartbeat and to get the blood moving again. After reviving him, they then sent him to another hospital for additional care.
These doctors spent their Saturday morning saving Jeffrey’s life, but the interesting thing was that the parents never received a bill from any of those doctors, and the nurse said that she had never seen or heard of them before.  Carolyn and her family all believed that the three doctors were angels, who gave their son a second chance at life.”[2]
 “A Presence Beside me”
Dennis Bott shared a miraculous experience he and his wife had with angelic intervention during surgery.   He writes:
“My sweet wife Martha developed a condition known as hyper parathyroid disease (HPT), and she required surgery to remove at least three of the four pea-sized glands located in the neck near the thyroid.
“On the day of the surgery, as I waited for news in the hospital family surgery area, the doctor came with a disturbing announcement. He was unable to locate even one of the glands and was considering stopping the procedure because surgery had already been over two and a half hours (normal surgery time is about 30-minutes). I asked if he would try one more time to locate the diseased glands and he informed me that he would try, leaving me worrying in the family waiting area.
“I found an open janitor closet where I could offer a secret plea for divine assistance and offered up my petition to help the doctor be successful in locating the seemingly invisible pea-size glands that were making my sweet companion ill. The very moment I closed my prayerful plea a spirit of peace overcame me, and I knew that all would be well.
“Less than 20-minutes later the doctor met with me in the waiting room with tears in his eyes he told me, ‘I have never experienced anything like this before…just as I was about to give up and end the procedure it seemed as though the glands mysteriously began to glow…the nurses were not able to see what I saw but I knew there was a presence beside me guiding me.’
“My prayer for angelic assistance had been granted. The doctor had been able to see with divine help, and three glands were removed that indeed had tumor like growths.”[3]
Jeffry R. Holland offered the very simple yet profound guidance to us all when he said,
            “Pray without ceasing. Ask for angels to help you.”[4]
Dennis will testify that Elder Holland’s advice is true, and can affirm from personal experience that the combination of both prayer and asking for angelic help can orchestrate miracles, especially in times of great need.
Brigham Young also wrote about this very thing.  He said:
“According to…faith, ask the Lord Almighty to send an angel to heal the sick.  This is our privilege, when so situated that we cannot…help ourselves.”[5]
Presence of Two Beings
Diane Chase remembers a time of great anxiety and helplessness when angels came to help her in her time of need. She writes:
“Back in 1998 my husband collapsed while far away on a business trip. I had 5 dependent children still at home, so I couldn’t go to him. After many days, the doctors said his life was in danger because he began to bleed internally, and they couldn’t stop it.  They decided they needed to do surgery that Friday night, and the operation was supposed to take 4 hours.  I told the doctor to call me and give me a report no matter what time it was.
“The surgery went on much longer than anticipated. I was in bed, but  was not able to sleep.  I felt powerless and scared. Finally, I prayed for an angel to comfort me. Immediately, I felt calm, and felt the presence of two beings standing by my bedI was only then able to fall asleep until the doctor called.”[6]
 Angels in Eye Surgery
The last story I want to tell about is a marvelous experience that Charlie Harper shared with me.  He had angels help him through an eye surgery.  He relates:
“Before having eye surgery on both of my eyes I had prayed that it would be successful, painless, and that I would be watched over and not worry about it.  A feeling of peace came over me and I didn’t worry any more.
Before surgery I became aware of three glorious angels who were watching over me. I felt absolutely no pain, even as a needle was inserted.  The surgery was perfect, and I am recovering very well. The angels were with me as I went to bed at home before the operation, during surgery, and after surgery until the doctor checked on my eyes to see that I was healing correctly.” [7]
 “And Angels Came Down”
I love the scripture where Nephi speaks about angels supporting him in similar ways as those who helped Charlie and others in this article.  He said,
 “And by day have I waxed bold in mighty prayer before him; yea, my voice have I sent up on high; and angels came down and ministered to me.”[8]
 As the experiences in this article illustrate, angels are allowed to respond to sincere and fervent prayer to heal or comfort the sick according to God’s will.  What is God’s will for you?  In this dispensation of angels, could it be your time to receive their healing and comfort? Maybe it’s time to ask.
I would love to hear about your own experiences with angels.  You Can CONTACT me at

[1] Sherry Simister, Story used with permission.
[2] Carolyn Doughty and Susan Richardson phone calls and emails. Story used with permission.
[3] Dennis Bott, Story used with permission.
[4] Jeffry R. Holland, “Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul,” April Conference 2010.
[5] Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 4:25.  Italics added.
[6] Diane Chase, Story used by permission.
[7] Charlie Harper, Story used by permission.
[8] 2 Nephi 4:24 Italics added.

Guardian Angels: By Anne Hinton Pratt

Guardian Angels: Loving Protection from Unseen Beings
By Anne Hinton Pratt · May 6, 2020

In this telestial sphere, there are so many ways we can injure our mortal bodies or die before our time. The solution God gives us is angels. How many stones have been taken off our paths to spare us nonessential suffering? How many times has our life been spared? We may never know, but I’d like to share five marvelous accounts where people did know!
Protected from a Fast-Moving Train
David Curneal has had angels bless his life on numerous occasions, but one time was quite extraordinary. Angels saved his family from certain death when a train was headed straight for their car. He writes:
“February 18, 1995 was a day that would never be forgotten. My wife and three children were in the car with me as we approached the freeway. We could see that the road was backed up, and suddenly we found ourselves on train tracks with no way to go forward, or backward. Seconds later the train arms came down trapping us on the tracks with a train coming fast!
“My wife could tell that impact with the train was unavoidable and started yelling that we needed to get out. Two of our children got out, but one was in a car seat. My wife was feverishly trying to get the seat belt open, but it was stuck! I hit the buckle with all of my strength and it finally broke, freeing my little one from the car but not from her car seat.
“I jumped back from the car just as the train hit. (The sound of the horn, crushing metal and screeching brakes, wake me up still in my dreams).
“As I was trying to get my senses back, I saw my daughter’s car seat flying through the air. Over and over it tumbled as it gained altitude, almost spinning! All of a sudden the very violent way it was traveling slowed to a level glide and it landed gently on the pavement. It was like someone caught the flipping babe and delivered her safely to the earth.”1
David and his family were recipients of miraculous help. It was not his daughter’s time to go, and she was incredibly snatched from death by guardian angels as was his entire family.
Dallin H. Oaks taught about the protection that guardian angels bring us. He said,
All over the world, faithful Latter-day Saints are protected from the powers of the evil one and his servants until they have finished their missions in mortality. For some the mortal mission is brief….But for most of us the mortal journey is long, and we continue our course with the protection of guardian angels.” 2
Trapped Under a Boat
Cheryl Martin found herself in a life-threatening situation when she was in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic several weeks ago. She was getting out of a boat at the shore when a big wave came and pushed her back down into the water. Her head hit the side of the boat and she was sucked under.
Cheryl was trapped under the boat for a few seconds and couldn’t move. Another wave came and almost set her free to swim out, but just as she began to emerge, another big wave hit. This one rammed into her, hurting her left shoulder and arm, trapping her yet again.
In spite of everything going on, Cheryl felt a beautiful peace fill her soul, and suddenly knew what she must do. As the next wave slightly moved the boat off of her, she was able to change her position under the boat and edge over by feeling the underside of the boat guiding her to safety.
When Cheryl surfaced, someone extended an arm to help her. She grabbed the arm and stood up, but no one was there. She walked to the other side of the boat and ask a man in the area if he knew who had helped her. He told her that no one had helped her and that she had emerged from under the boat by herself. But she KNEW that she was somehow coached how to get out from under the boat and pulled to safety. The most important thing however was the peace she felt through the whole thing. She said,
“I feel so blessed to know that there are angels around to protect us. I was hurt badly but I survived. I am 65 years old but know I have more to attend to on this Earth. When this accident happened to me I was not frightened but had peace that all would be well. I’m forever grateful.” 3
Cheryl obviously was not finished with her life mission. Her guardian angels saved her from death although they didn’t save her from the pain. In some cases, however, as in the following story, angels do save from suffering.
Angels Lifted Car from the Middle Lane
Diane Blakely had an experience that defies explanation, unless you factor in guardian angels. She wrote:
“In 2005 I lived in Walnut Creek, California. My daughter & her family lived in American Canyon, about 25 miles north. I went to visit them one day and had to cross a bridge that was in construction mode. There were three lanes and I was driving in the center one. There was a car to my right about even with me, and a flat bed truck several feet ahead of it in the right-hand lane. I didn’t notice any traffic in the left lane, and there wasn’t time to check, when all of a sudden that car to my right started to pass me and began moving into my center lane with not enough space to do it.
“I grabbed the steering wheel as tight as I could and held it rigidly while applying the brakes. I wasn’t sure if anyone was close behind me. Suddenly, I felt my car being moved to the left about 1 to 2 feet, and after that car passed me and moved into the middle lane in front of me, my car was moved back safely behind it. The front of the car had overlapped my car by about 1 to 2 feet. If we had touched I would have spun out. Only angels could have made that happen.”4
Diane’s life was spared that day, and in the process, she was a witness of the goodness of God and His angels.
Saved from 15 Car Pileup
Helen Condon had a hair-raising experience where she knew angels protected her from being sandwiched between cars during a pileup. She writes:
“One day in the late 1990s, while driving on I-84 in a typical Portland, Oregon downpour, I found myself in the middle of a multi-car pile-up as first one, then another car, slid into each other. I was hit from behind and pushed into the car in front of me. Our little truck, ‘Bucko,’ was slammed backwards and forwards across the freeway, but I was completely calm. I amazingly felt as though I was in an armored tank and did not experience the slightest moment of my all-too frequent anxiety. ‘Bucko’ was towed home, then to the wrecking yard, crumpled almost beyond recognition and full of shattered glass. The only damage I sustained was a tiny cut in my brand-new skirt. There must have been a battalion of angels with us that day!”5
Helen was also not finished with her mission on earth, and angels went to a lot of trouble to leave her alive and without a scratch.
In my final story, there was unexplainable protection in the natural world that left one young man alive.
Saved from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
In 1969 when Eddie Jones was a young boy of fourteen, he had a miraculous experience where he knew his life was saved by angels. He was from an agricultural community in Northern Mexico that grew apples and peaches. They had a new co-op (Empacadora Paquime), where they packed and stored the fruit.
On this Saturday afternoon in June, his father drove into the parking lot and noticed that things were in a big mess. Bins of fruit were stacked all around the yard and in the cold room in a Helter-Skelter fashion. Eddie’s dad who prided himself on being neat and orderly became upset. He instructed Eddie to stay and run a forklift until everything was tidied up.
Eddie began by moving the bins of fruit from the outside yard into the refrigeration rooms. First he brought every bin inside, then he began arranging them into rows according to grower in the two rooms.
Time flew by and he was completely engrossed in his task of stacking the bins. He remembers looking at his watch and seeing that it was after midnight.
Around that time, he heard a voice telling him to stop immediately and get down and go outside. He recalls beginning to climb off the forklift, but after that, he lost consciousness. The next thing he can remember was feeling dizzy and disoriented as the night watchman was shaking his shoulder asking if he was ok. He found Eddie outside the heavy doors of the cold room slouched against the wall. Eddie explains:
“The doors to the cold room were huge and very heavy having to be swung outward to open. I remember having to exert almost all my strength every time I went in or out as a young boy, but when the watchman found me, the door was closed. How could I unconsciously have opened and closed those heavy doors on my own? Someone had to have been with me to perform that feat and get me out. No way did I do it on my own!
“The watchman called my Dad who came and got me. I was diagnosed with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and placed on Oxygen. They were very concerned I might not make it through the night. When I began working that evening no one thought of Carbon Monoxide levels in the cold room from the gasoline engine of the forklift.
“I later learned that when the Watchman entered the cold room, the Forklift was still running, and no one was in it. It had four bins of fruit raised to its maximum height, lined up perfectly to set on top.
I know I had angels help me and save my life that night.”6
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland reminds us of the angelic help we can depend on:
“In the gospel of Jesus Christ, you have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that… if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection [2 Kings 6:16-17]. They will always be there, these armies of heaven, in defense of Abraham’s seed.” 7
How precious our lives are! We come here to this plane of existence to learn and grow, with an appointed time for us to die. Angels are agents of peace and protection to ensure that we stay on earth precisely as long as we are intended to be here, through our faithfulnessThey have the power to take away obstacles and dangers from our path, and often get permission to do so.
Do you still have more mission to fulfill in this life? If so, you will be protected as David, Cheryl, Diane, Helen and Eddie were, by beings whose mission is to guard and protect you.
1 David Curneal, Story used by permission.
2Dallin H. Oaks, “Bible Stories and Personal Protection,” Ensign, Nov. 1992,p. 39. Italics added. 3 Cheryl Martin, Story used by permission.
4 Diane Blakely, Story used by permission.
5 Helen Condon, Story used by permission.
6 Eddie Jones, Story used by permission.
7 Jeffery R. Holland, BYU Devotional Address – March 1980