Reaching Through the Veil shows how angels are a part of our everyday lives. This blog is designed to share your experiences, stories that you find, quotes from General Authorities, and scriptures that show that angels are a part of our lives.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How Angels Show Us They Care By Anne Hinton Pratt

How Angels Show Us They Care
By Anne Hinton Pratt · January 16, 2020

Has an angel ever helped you? The answer is yes! The thick veil surrounding us generally prevents any awareness of our cherished pre-mortal associations and their frequent aid to us, but there are times when the veil thins, and we become conscious of these loving beings helping us on our mortal journey.
“You Have to Go Through This”                                             
Over 25 years ago, I was facing a set of circumstances that were overwhelming for me, and I remember praying my heart out for certain things to change.  At that point in time, I vividly recall sitting on the side of my bed quietly pondering. Suddenly, a man was standing at the foot of my bed who seemed to be in his mid-30’s with dark hair and bushy eyebrows.  As if he knew what I had been thinking and feeling, he spoke with great tenderness, saying:
“I’m SO sorry that you have to go through this, but this is something that is crucial for you to experience!”  
Again, he compassionately echoed how sorry he was that I was suffering in this situation, and then, he was gone. 
There I was still sitting on my bed, filled with amazement and wonder!  Even though it was a very peculiar interaction, I never felt alarm. His presence felt so natural, and almost familiar.  Even though he was there no more than a few seconds, I felt only love and concern from him, and gained the profound inner knowledge that difficult circumstances are often carefully orchestrated for us to go through for our personal growth and progression. I began to know that somehow everything would be ok, because I had those on the other side of the veil that would help me.
Joseph F. Smith Sheds Light on Angel Experience   
President Joseph F. Smith wrote a letter to his son, Hyrum, answering a poignant question that Hyrum had asked him while he was serving a mission.  The question was, “To what extent do our relatives and friends who have died have cognizance of us and our actions?” President Smith responded with profound understandings for his son and for all of us.  He wrote:
“Now, if our departed kindred and friends are just (righteous) spirits, exalted to this greater and more glorious work, they may be very near us,… observing actions of our thoughts, feelings, and actions, rejoicing because of our virtues and integrity to the truth, or sorrowing and weeping over our sins and transgressions. And not only so, but able to render assistance, when our spirits are susceptible to the power they wield….” (Hyrum M. Smith, From Prophet to Son: Advice of Joseph F. Smith to His Missionary Sons. 37-39, Italics added).  
Turns out, my experience was not so unusual.  I have had many people share experiences with me where they were “susceptible to the power” that angels wield.  These angels come with concern and compassion to help in some way.  I’d like to tell a few of those experiences to you:
Angel Saving Two Lives
Kayetana Aguado tells how an angel saved both her life and that of her mother’s. She writes:
“My mom was in the hospital, going through a very long labor.  At one point she was alone in her room when she started having extreme pain and knew something was wrong but couldn’t reach the nurse call button.
“The nurse later told mom that she was just walking down the hall when she felt someone grip her upper arm, (leaving the imprint of a hand there), and pull her into my mom’s room to discover her distress. There wasn’t another person in the hall or the room at that time. Both my mother’s and my life were saved.” (Kayetana Aguado, Story used by permission)
Who was this angel? A long- lost friend or a family member?  When these experiences happen, we most often don’t know who it is, but eventually we will understand.
President Ezra Taft Benson explained:
“God loves us.  He’s watching us, he wants us to succeed, and we’ll know    someday that he has not left one thing undone for the eternal welfare of each of us. If we only knew it, there are heavenly hosts pulling for us- friends in heaven that we can’t remember now, who yearn for our victory.”  (Ezra Taft Benson, “Jesus Christ–Gifts and Expectations,” 1974 Italics added)
 “I Need Help!”
Alice G. Bustamante had a similar traumatic event in her life that resulted in an angel intervening.  She wrote:
“I had my only child at age 33, over thirty years ago.  I had a c-section delivery and was left alone by my husband due to work. It was my third night alone at the hospital.  I was feeling unloved, and was in so much pain.  I could not move due to how swollen I still was, and the nurses would not answer my cries or beeps.  I remember crying out to the Lord to help me by sending someone to help me get up and go to the bathroom. It was in the wee hours of the morning when someone finally came in. 
She was dressed in a nurse’s uniform, had red hair worn up in a bun, with the bluest eyes, and soft hands and voice.  She told me she was there to help me. She helped me get up, go to the bathroom, and get back to bed while murmuring endearments about how special I was.  I told her about pain in my back and she got some cream and massaged it. It felt heavenly!
“Later, I asked a nurse who my nurse was that had come in during the wee hours. I described her red hair, blue eyes, and soft voice and she looked at me kinda funny and said: ‘There is no one on this staff that looks like that.’  When I gave a questioning look, she assured me that no one who looked like that worked there.
“It wasn’t until decades later that right ‘out of the blue,’ I saw her in my mind.  I then realized my kind angel nurse was a nurse friend with whom I had worked in college, but who had passed away before I had my baby.  I know Heavenly Father answered my prayers and sent me my friend to help me when I felt so unloved and alone.” (Alice G. Bustamante, Email used with permission)
Heber C. Kimball taught,
“Angels are our associates, they are with us and round about us, and watch over us, and take care of us, and lead us, and guide us, and administer to our wants in their ministry and in their holy calling unto which they are appointed.  (Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses, 2:222)
Seeing Departed Grandma on the Bed
Some of the strongest bonds we have are with departed family members.  They continue to love us over time and space.
Sister Wendy Nelson relates a time as a fifth-grader, when her baby brother died. She was overcome with grief.  She writes:
 “That’s when my grandmother took me into a private room where she and I could be together to talk and to cry.  She told me that she had been inconsolable when her grandmother Sarah had died. Then, several months later, Sarah –now living on the other side of the veil—visited Grandma.  Sarah sat right on Grandma’s bed. She told my grandmother to stop grieving and get on with her life.  Sarah was very much alive and well.” (Wendy W. Nelson, The Heavens are Open, p. 8)
Sister Nelson’s grandma was deeply touched by her grandmother’s visit. Sarah blessed both a granddaughter and great granddaughter in their times of need.
Deceased Grandfather Returns to Give A Blessing
Charles Harper tells of two sweet experiences where he and his family members were blessed by their departed Grandfather.  He writes:
“In a retirement community where mom lived, my two oldest sons and I gave a priesthood blessing to their grandmother before she had cancer surgery.  My hands were on her head, and my oldest son’s hands were on top of his younger brother’s. Later, my oldest son said that during the blessing he could feel hands on top of his, and felt it was his grandfather helping us from the spirit world.”
In another tender experience, Charles relates:
“My dad always interviewed each of our boys before they got married, but our youngest son, David, wasn’t going to have this blessing because his grandfather had passed away before he could enjoy this loving event. One night, however, David had a dream in which his grandfather interviewed him and gave him counsel.” (Charles Harper, stories used by permission)
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland wrote these significant words:
“One of the things that will become more important in our lives the longer we live is the reality of angels, their work and their ministry. I refer here not alone to the angel Moroni but also to those more personal ministering angels who are with us and around us, empowered to help us and who do exactly that.” (“For a Wise Purpose,” Ensign, Jan.1996, 16-17).
Have Angels Helped You?  Oh yes, without question!  You’ve known and loved them for eons in the world of spirits, and they’re anxious for your welfare in this sphere.
Angels do all they can do to support us in ways that we can hardly grasp. They help and care for all of us in extraordinary ways, and sometimes when the veil thins, we notice! 

Sunday, January 5, 2020

When I Heard My Deceased Daughter's Voice By Bryan Young

When I Heard My Deceased Daughter's Voice: The Profound Lesson She Shared
by Bryan Young | Jan. 03, 2020

This story originally ran on LDS Living in September 2017.
The Lord has offered my family and me many tender mercies of spiritual communication that not all people will receive. However, I also know that the spirits of our loved ones are closer than we often times know, no matter who we are.
In May of 2012, my daughter Holland was diagnosed with a brain tumor, shortly after her third birthday. The 14 months that followed were a roller coaster of hospital stays, brain surgeries, new diagnoses, chemo treatments, and many trials of faith until she ultimately passed away in August 2013. Although this was easily the greatest trial our young family had ever faced, the lessons we learned were irreplaceable and a new journey began for our family.
Becoming Better After Trials
We each face trials and difficulties in this life that will overwhelm us at times. During those times, we need to remember that we can grow from them. God allows bad things to happen to good people to make good people great. Our trials or hardships are not because God is punishing us. The truth is these hardships allow us to better trust in God and learn His will for us. If we turn our will over to God we will become better through the trial. If we do not we will become consumed by them.
We each have the choice to become bitter or better. The simple difference in these two words is “I” and "be." If I focus on how a trial will affect only me, then I will quickly find myself bitter at the world and God for treating me so unfairly. But if I choose to focus on what I can be as a result of this trial, I will find that I am becoming better. We need to ask why God would have us go through this and how we can help others. And that is how we can become better.
For our family, the question of “why?” has many answers. It has allowed us to serve others and offer them comfort in their times of pain and heartache. It has given us a greater love for our other children. It has allowed us to feel the spiritual world around us. It has allowed us to trust in Jesus Christ and more fully understand His Atonement. All of this can be summed up in the fact that it has expanded our view of life, death, and the plan of salvation.
Understanding Death in Context
God does not view life as only our first breath to our last breath. He views life as eternal. The plan of salvation has given us such wonderful truths. One of the greatest truths is that life did not start when we were born and it will not end when we die. Armed with this truth we can realize that the Atonement overcame sin and death—meaning we don’t have to be afraid of dying because Christ has already taken care of that and we don’t need to be afraid of making mistakes because Christ has given us a way to take care of that as well.
God does not send us death to punish us or to make us miserable. Death is merely a transition from one state to another. God does not mourn our physical deaths; in fact, He often rejoices when we enter back into His presence. Grief is healthy, but when it consumes us it is often because we don’t see life as God does.
The death of a child may be hard, but it is simply a transition from one form of existence to another. If you are a parent of adult children, think back to when those children were babies. Do you mourn the fact that they are not babies anymore? No, of course not. You may miss the innocence and adorable moments when they were small, but you are glad they are who they are now. You are glad that they have grown and they have become something better than they once were. I don’t mean to trivialize the death of a child because I certainly know that it is one of the greatest mortal trials we will be asked to face. The separation, grief, anger, confusion and even guilt families experience is very real and meaningful. However, it’s encouraging to know that the children we lost do continue to grow and learn in the presence of the Lord.
With an eternal viewpoint, we can now look at our daughter and rejoice in where she is now. She is where God needs her to be. Sure we miss who she was; sure we miss our daily interactions with her; sure we miss the memories we will never had the chance to make, but we are grateful for who she is now—and that is something we can know because she has not left us spiritually.
Feeling My Daughter Near
The day after my daughter’s death I was saying a prayer on my parents’ front porch as the sun was rising. And in that moment of peace and tranquility, I heard her voice—it was as close to audible as ever a spiritual voice had been to me. I knew I was hearing it with my spiritual ears. She said many things to me in that moment, but one lesson that has continued to remain with me was the fact that she was with the Savior and if I wanted to visit her I would need to go to the temple, not her grave. Her grave was simply the place where her body laid in wait for the moment of resurrection. Her living essence was now only in the spirit.
And from that day on I have attended the temple every week seeking to hear her voice again. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. The Lord, in an answer to a prayer, once told me that I would hear her voice when I needed it not when I wanted it. Once, in a moment of desperation, I pleaded that I could see her, feel her, truly hear her with my physical ears. The Lord’s response has taught me a valuable lesson that has changed the way that I view the world around us. He said, “You are a being of physical body and spiritual body. She is only a being of spirit right now, and yet you wish that she would be more like you. You have a spirit and she has a spirit; you need to learn to be more like her.” I needed to use my spirit to communicate with her just as I always had.
When a baby is first born, they have no way to verbally communicate and yet a mother knows when they are hungry, wet, sad and happy. She can know what that baby is feeling and thinking without it saying a word. The mother and the baby have a spiritual connection that exists beyond the physical relationship they share. Think also of a time where you and another person had a deep spiritual conversation. You may have connected in a way that superseded the words that you were using to communicate. That is because that spiritual feeling of peace and comfort is your spirit communicating with their spirit. The truth is we all engage in spiritual communication in this life, whether we identify it as such or not. And when our loved ones die, that spiritual connection only dies if we refuse to acknowledge it. Many times we are so overcome with grief and pain we are numb to the spiritual communications they are trying to make with us.
Misunderstanding the Sealing Power
Many people often mistakenly think that the sealing to our loved ones is payable upon resurrection, but the sealing power carries throughout this life and into the next and all the spaces in between. This is true not just of our loved ones in this life but of our ancestors as well. Each name on a slip of paper we take to the temple is one more spirit we empower to help us on this mortal journey.
President Ezra Taft Benson said: “Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1971, 18; or Ensign, June 1971, 33). There is also the well-known quote from President Brigham Young that taught us that the postmortal spirit world is on the earth, all around us (see Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 279). I have come to learn for myself that this is true. Not just with my daughter, I felt the spiritual presence of grandparents, uncles, friends, other relatives, and ancestors that have guided me through times of trials and joy.
I know that the Lord has offered my family and me many tender mercies of spiritual communication that not all people will receive. However, I also know that the spirits of our loved ones are closer than we often times know. This is regardless of whether we acknowledge them or not. You may not hear a spiritual voice as I have, but if you let go of your pain and grief and focus on the will of the Lord and what He is trying to teach you, I know that He will give you what you most need to be comforted and feel the love of the spirits that are all around you.