Reaching Through the Veil shows how angels are a part of our everyday lives. This blog is designed to share your experiences, stories that you find, quotes from General Authorities, and scriptures that show that angels are a part of our lives.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Lorraine's Story

 For twenty-five years before Alzheimer’s took away her memory, my wife Madeline worked pro bono and tirelessly to help hundreds of friends and strangers , who became friends, turn their hearts to their parents and prepare books of remembrance “worthy of all acceptation to present in many temples. She had many miraculous experiences from both sides of the veil. Just as Madeline began to be affected by Alzheimer’s we had an experience that shown an unmistakable spiritual light on the meaning of Malachi 4:6.

While working in the Los Angeles Temple we were surprised to see our beloved friends the McKinnon’s from Fillmore,CA were we used to live. They invited us to witness Lorraine be sealed to her deceased husband John, then stand proxy for her mother and father to be sealed along with other family.
Twenty years before Madeline had helped Lorraine complete the paper work necessary to seal her mother and father together with the children an eternal family. But for twenty years Lorraine refused because of her fathers drinking problems and the yelling matches that ensured. She said, “mom would not want to be sealed to him for eternity. “
Madeline encouraged her to do this work because her parents could alway reject it. More importantly Lorraine might not know the full story and may not understand how the Saviors Atonement may heal such wounds within families.
So here was Lorraine in the temple with her children ready to complete the sealing. Madeline was thrilled that it had finally happened. Lorraine explained afterward that her mother appeared to her in a dream and insisted that the sealing be completed. They were happy with each other now she said.
The McKinnons had other miracles having to do with the healing power of the atonement. Madeline told me of many other similar experiences involving the healing power of Christs atonement in family relationships which help and prompt the living relative to complete this great work.

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