By Marlene Bateman Sullivan
Job posed the question of ages when he asked: "If a man die,
shall he live again?” (Job 14:14) Jesus Christ answered, saying;
“Because I live, ye shall live
shall he live again?” (Job 14:14) Jesus Christ answered, saying;
“Because I live, ye shall live
also” (John 14:19). Like birth, death is a necessary step
in our eternal progression
in our eternal progression
—a doorway that leads into the next life. The written
accounts we have of early
accounts we have of early
Latter-day Saints visiting the spirit world stand as a
witness that life does not
witness that life does not
end with death. When the Savior came to earth,
died, and rose again,
died, and rose again,
He opened the doors of salvation, breaking the bands
of death so that we might live.
of death so that we might live.
Brigham Young said, “Our bodies are composed
of visible tangible matter . . .
What is commonly called death does not destroy
the body, it only causes
a separation of spirit and body, but the principle
of life, inherent in the native elements, of which the
body is composed, still continues”
(Discourses of Brigham Young, compiled
by John A. Widstoe, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book 1954),
pp. 368-369).
Since none of us has died, death remains unfamiliar and
unknown. However,
unknown. However,
a few people have visited the spirit world through
near-death experiences,
near-death experiences,
dreams, and visions. We can learn much about death
and the next life from
and the next life from
their accounts.
We Are Not Left Alone When We Die
One such insight we learn from these accounts
is that in the first moments
is that in the first moments
after death, newly-departed spirits are often
met by a guide who escorts
met by a guide who escorts
them to the spirit world.
Lorenzo Dow Young, who had a near-death
experience in the early
experience in the early
1800s, said:
“In a moment I was out of the body, and fully conscious
that I had made the change. At once, a heavenly messenger,
or guide, was by me. I thought and acted as naturally as I had
done in the body, and all my sensations seemed as complete
without as with it,” he went on to say, “the personage with
me was dressed in the purest white. My guide, for so I will
call him, said ‘Now let us go’”
(Marlene Bateman Sullivan, Gaze Into Heaven;
Near-death Experiences in Early Church History,
(Springville, Utah: Cedar Fort, Inc., 2013), 27-30).
Tom Gibson, who had a near-death experience following a
heart attack, shared that his friend Daniel came to escort him
to the spirit world. He wrote:
heart attack, shared that his friend Daniel came to escort him
to the spirit world. He wrote:
It is comforting to know that loved ones or angels will greet us when we leave
our mortal bodies and help us know where to go.
The Spirit World Will Be Glorious but Familiar
It is natural to be curious about what the spirit world looks like. Some people
who visited there have given clear and vivid descriptions, such as Brother
Pettersson, who said it resembled the world he knew on earth. He wrote:
“There were cities and villages, lakes and rivers, fields
and gardens, houses and mansions, temples and palaces,
flowers and animals of great beauty and variety. The people
were busy. Some were building, some were planting, some
harvesting” (Marlene Bateman Sullivan, The Magnificent World of Spirits; Eyewitness Accounts of Where We Go When We Die, (Springville,
Utah: Cedar Fort, Inc., 2016), 87-92).
In 1867, John Powell wrote:
“My spirit then left my body and went with my guide . . .
Here I beheld the inhabitants. The houses and trees were
beautiful to behold. I was so amazed and so delighted that
I requested my guide to permit me to stay and dwell there,
for all things were far in advance of this world” (Ibid., 84-85).
Tom Gibson, whose near-death experience was mentioned
before, also described these surroundings:
before, also described these surroundings:
“Daniel next led me to a city. It was a city of light—similar
to cities on earth in that there were buildings and paths; but
the buildings and paths appeared to be built of materials
which we consider precious on earth. They looked like . . .
that is they resembled marble, and gold, and silver, and other
bright materials, only they were different—the buildings and
streets seemed to have a sheen, or to glow. The entire scene was
one of indescribable beauty. . .
“There was another feeling that went with it. On earth
there always seems to be something . . . you know how things
bother you here. There is always some problem troubling you.
Either its health, or money, or people, or war, or something.
That was missing there. I felt completely at peace, as
if there were no problems which were of concern.
It wasn’t that there were no challenges—it’s just that
everything seemed to be under control. It was such a
wonderful feeling that I never wanted to lose it”
(Marlene Bateman Sullivan, Gaze Into Heaven;
Near-death Experiences in Early Church History, op cit. pp. 89-90).
There Will Be No Strangers
President Spencer W. Kimball taught us that familial relationships
and friendships forged on earth will continue on in the next life. He said:
and friendships forged on earth will continue on in the next life. He said:
“To the unbeliever [death] is the end of all, associations
terminated, relationships ended, memories soon to fade
into nothingness. But to those who have knowledge and faith
in the promise of the gospel of Jesus Christ, death’s
meaning is . . . a change of condition into a wider serener sphere
of action; it means the beginning of eternal life”
(Edward Kimball, (compiled and edited),
Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, (Salt Lake City:
Bookcraft, 1982), 39).
Thomas S. Thomas also testified that relationships endure beyond
this life. He declared:
this life. He declared:
“The grand greeting you first receive is from your closest
of kin—father, mother, brother and sisters—and all that are
near and dear to you who passed from earthly life and arrived
in the Great Beyond before you.”
He continued, “I realized that I met no strangers in the meeting
and greeting of the millions of souls there. . . . There were
two groups of souls I met there. One group had been to earth
and departed before me from there, and the other group was
waiting their chance to go to earth. None of either of these
were strangers to me; I had always known them”
(Marlene Bateman Sullivan, Gaze Into Heaven;
Near-death Experiences in Early Church History, op cit., 98-102).
Death is Not a Thing to Fear
We need not fear death, for when we depart this life, we will be
freed from earthly pain and filled with joy. Brigham Young said:
freed from earthly pain and filled with joy. Brigham Young said:
“We shall turn round and look upon it [death] and think,
when we have crossed it, why this is the greatest advantage
of my whole existence, for I have passed from a state of
sorrow, grief, mourning, woe, misery, pain, anguish and
disappointment into a state of existence where I can enjoy
life to the fullest extent as far as that can be done
without a body” (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses,
vol. 17, 26 volumes, (Liverpool, 1854-86), 142).
Just as a mother forgets the pain of childbirth once her child is in her arms,
so we will forget the pains of earth life and find comfort and joy.
Thomas S. Thomas also spoke of this:
“All mental powers were restored. The fond memories of the past
returned . . . your soul is endowed with wisdom and knowledge
and filled with everlasting love. . . .
returned . . . your soul is endowed with wisdom and knowledge
and filled with everlasting love. . . .
Distance is no barrier to transmit thought without instruments,
or to travel under your own power. Your vision is magnified
there; your future view is plain; desire for knowledge is
inexhaustible; you are master of yourself;
or to travel under your own power. Your vision is magnified
there; your future view is plain; desire for knowledge is
inexhaustible; you are master of yourself;
intelligence is the key to all realms which makes
an endless trail to all advancement and is a place
of satisfaction and joy to the soul. . . . to the soul. . . .
an endless trail to all advancement and is a place
of satisfaction and joy to the soul. . . . to the soul. . . .
Time is figured on a different basis than in earthly life”
(Marlene Bateman Sullivan, Gaze Into Heaven;
Near-death Experiences
Near-death Experiences
in Early Church History, op cit., 98-102).
Death Brings with It Hope, Light, and Love
Perhaps the most important thing we learn from those
who have visited the spirit world is that Heavenly
Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are divine
who have visited the spirit world is that Heavenly
Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are divine
Beings who love and watch over us and that we can
live with them again if we follow the example of our
Savior, Jesus Christ, and obey God’s commandments.
live with them again if we follow the example of our
Savior, Jesus Christ, and obey God’s commandments.
These experiences also teach us that our moments on
earth are just that—moments—and that eternity
stretches before us. Reading these accounts
earth are just that—moments—and that eternity
stretches before us. Reading these accounts
instills upon our minds the importance of making
more productive use of our time on earth. We can
reevaluate our priorities to direct our time and
more productive use of our time on earth. We can
reevaluate our priorities to direct our time and
energy growing and mastering ourselves.
Everyone has sins to repent of, faults to change
into strengths, and frailties to overcome.
Everyone has sins to repent of, faults to change
into strengths, and frailties to overcome.
“For behold, this life is the time for men to
prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this
life is the day for men to perform their labors. . . . if
we do not improve our time while in this life, then
cometh the night of darkness wherein there can
be no labor performed” (Alma 34:32-33).
These accounts comfort our souls with the knowledge that
in the next life, we can live in a sphere governed by love
and light—a place of great beauty and everlasting peace.
in the next life, we can live in a sphere governed by love
and light—a place of great beauty and everlasting peace.
To achieve this blessed state, we would do well to
follow the admonition of Nephi:
follow the admonition of Nephi:
“Wherefore, ye must press forward with a
steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness
of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore,
if ye press forward, feasting upon the word of
Christ and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the
Father: Ye shall have eternal life” (2 Nephi, 31:20).
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