“He was visited constantly by angels,” Elder George Q. Cannon said
of Joseph Smith. “These various angels, the heads of dispensations, . . .
ministered unto him. . . . He had vision after vision in order that his mind
might be fully saturated with a knowledge of the things of God, and that he
might comprehend the high and holy calling that God had bestowed upon
him” (Journal of Discourses, 23:362). Historical records of early
Latter-day Saints, Doctrine and Covenants, and early Church documents reveal
that Joseph Smith's visions and visits by heavenly messengers are too numerous
to count.
Here are are some of those heavenly messengers that helped teach
Joseph Smith the truths of the gospel:
1. Adam
2. Abraham
Father Adam appeared to the Prophet in a vision recorded in
D&C 137, along with Abraham and Joseph's brother Alvin.
3. Seth
4. Enoch
5. Isaac
6. Jacob
John Taylor taught that Joseph received visitations from numerous
Biblical figures, including Seth, Enoch, Isaac, and Jacob.
7. Raphael
8. Gabriel (Noah)
In D&C 128, the angels Raphael and Gabriel appeared to
instruct the Prophet Joseph.
9. Moses
10. Elias
11. Elijah
In 1836, Moses, Elias and Elijah appeared to Joseph and Oliver
Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple to restore keys.
12. John the Baptist
13. Peter
14. James
15. John (and possibly other New Testament Apostles, according to
John Taylor—JD, 21:94)
John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John all appeared to restore
the priesthoods to Joseph.
16. Paul (perhaps, judging from Joseph Smith’s thorough
description of him in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p.
17. Nephi
18. Mormon
Orson Pratt commented that Joseph often received visits from Nephi
and Mormon, among other scriptural figures.
19. Alma (perhaps, as well as other Book of Mormon prophets,
according to George Q. Cannon—JD, 13:47)
20. The three Nephites (and possibly other Nephite Apostles,
according to John Taylor—JD, 21:94)
21. Moroni
22. Unnamed angels at a meeting on January 21, 1836
23. Many angels at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, March
27, 1836
24. Many angels, not specifically identified, as noted in Doctrine
and Covenants 128:20-21. That scripture notes the voices (meaning visits) of
Moroni, Michael, and Peter, James, and John. It also speaks of “the voice of
Gabriel, and of Raphael, and of divers angels, from Michael or Adam down to the
present time, all declaring their dispensations, their rights, their keys,
their honors, their majesty and glory, and the power of their priesthood;
giving line upon line, precept upon precept; here a little and there a little.”
(Thanks to The Mormon Book of
Lists for help in collecting these! Information from History of the
Church, 1:39-41, 2:381, 428; D&C 27:12-13, 110:11-16, 128:20-21; JD, 13:47,
17:374, 21:94; and Andrus, Joseph Smith, the Man and the Seer, p. 95. Photo
from iStock.)
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