Reaching Through the Veil shows how angels are a part of our everyday lives. This blog is designed to share your experiences, stories that you find, quotes from General Authorities, and scriptures that show that angels are a part of our lives.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Night President Nelson's Grandfather Spoke to His Deceased Dad

The Night President Nelson's Grandfather Spoke to His Deceased Dad in a Dream (+ His Comforting Message)
Like birth, death is a necessary and essential part of the plan of salvation (see Moses 6:59–62)—which Jacob and Alma both called the “great plan of happiness” (2 Nephi 9:6Alma 42:8). Facing death can be one of the most fearful experiences of mortality. For the righteous, though, death can be sweet and need not be feared (see Alma 27:28). Indeed, the Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that “those that die in me shall not taste of death, for it shall be sweet unto them” (Doctrine and Covenants 42:46). On the other hand, for people who die not in Christ, death can be a bitter experience (see Doctrine and Covenants 42:47), and the thought of an approaching death can create foreboding, trepidation, and fear. Dreams regarding death can serve as a powerful reminder that this life is the time for us to prepare to meet God (see Alma 12:24; 34:32). . . .
Even if death is not imminent, our Heavenly Father can send comfort through dreams that testify to the fact that our existence will not end with our last breath. These dreams testify that the sting of death is swallowed up in the victory of Christ’s Atonement (see 1 Corinthians 15:55; Mosiah 16:7–8Alma 22:14). Dreams associated with death can cause us to reflect on the core principles of the plan of salvation. They are a testimony that God loves and succors His children.
Learn more about how we receive revelation through dreams in the podcast with Dr. Kenneth L. Alford below:
“I Received My Commision to Preach the Gospel”
Andrew C. Nelson, grandfather of President Russell M. Nelson, reported:
“On the night of April 6th, 1891, I had a strange dream or vision in which I saw and conversed with my father who died January 27, 1891.”
“When father came to the bed, he first said: ‘Well, my son, being you were not there . . . when I died, so that I did not get to see you, and as I had a few spare minutes. . . .’
“‘What have you been doing since you died, father?’ . . .
“‘My son, I have been traveling together with Apostle Erastus Snow ever since I died; that is, since three days after I died; then I received my commission to preach the Gospel. You can not imagine, my son, how many spirits there are in the Spirit world that have not yet received the Gospel; but many are receiving it, and a great work is being accomplished. Many are anxiously looking forth to their friends, who are still living, to administer for them in the Temples. I have been very busy in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.’
“‘Will all the spirits believe you, father, when you teach them the Gospel?’ ‘No, they will not.’
“‘How are you and mother, the boys, Emillie and the girls getting along?’ ‘I am well, father, and when I last heard from Redmond the folks there were well.’
‘Father, can you see us at all times, and do you know what we are doing?’ ‘No, my son, I can not. I have something else to do. I can not go when and where I please. There is just as much, and much more, order here in the Spirit world than in the other world. I have been assigned work and that must be performed.’
“‘We intend to go to the Temple and get sealed to you as soon as my school is closed. I have talked with the girls about it and they want to be sealed to you.’ ‘That, my son, is partly what I came to see you about. We will yet make a family and live throughout Eternity.’
“‘How do you feel at all times, father?’ ‘I feel splendid, and enjoy my labors; still, I must admit that at times I get a little lonesome to see my family; but it is only a short time till we will again see each other.’
“‘O, father, how glad I am that you died in full faith in the Gospel, and in full fellowship in the Church.’ ‘Well, my son, your father always did know since he joined the Church that the Gospel was true, and you know that I always taught it to you, when you were a small boy. I got a little stubborn, but who is there of us that has not been a little cross and naughty at times. The short time that I was cross does not amount to 15 minutes in comparison to Eternity. I was punished for it. But it is all right. My son, you take care that you do not get that way.’
“‘Father, is it natural to die? Or does it seem natural? Was there not a time when your spirit was in such a pain that it could not realize what was going on or taking place?’ ‘No, my son, there was not such a time. It is just as natural to die, as it is to be born, or for you to pass out of that door (here he pointed at the door). When I had told the folks that I could not last long, it turned dark and I could not see anything for a few minutes. Then, the first thing I could see was a number of spirits in the Spirit world. Then, I told the folks that I must go. The paper you gave me, my son, is dated wrong, but it makes no particular difference; correct records are kept here.’
“‘Father, is the principle and doctrine of the Resurrection as taught us true?’ ‘True. Yes, my son, as true as can be. You can not avoid being Resurrected. It is just as natural for all to be Resurrected as it is to be born and die again. No one can avoid being Resurrected. There are many spirits in the Spirit world who would to God that there would be no Resurrection.’
“‘Father, is the Gospel as taught by this Church true?’ ‘My son, do you see that picture’ (pointing to a picture of the First Presidency of the Church hanging on the wall)? ‘Yes, I see it.’ ‘Well, just as sure as you see that picture, just so sure is the Gospel true. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has within it the power of saving every man and woman that will obey it, and in no other way can they ever obtain a salvation in the Kingdom of God. My son, always cling to the Gospel. Be humble, be prayerful, be submissive to the Priesthood, be true, be faithful to the covenants you have made with God. Never do anything that will displease God. O, what a blessing is the Gospel! My son, be a good boy.’
“‘Good bye.’
“I then saw him leave the room. He was neatly dressed in a suit of light gray clothes, which I had never seen him wear when alive.’”
Source: Spencer J. Condie, Russell M. Nelson, 9–11.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

When Pancho Villa Appeared

When Pancho Villa Appeared Asking for Temple Work

By Anne Hinton Pratt · August 6, 2019
Cover image via Huffington Post.
Pancho Villa needed help! In his lifetime, he had been a revolutionary leader, brilliant strategist and even the President of Mexico, but in the realm of spirits he was lost, and knew he needed assistance.  He came from beyond the grave to seek out and ask the one man who he felt could help him in his eternal quest.  Here’s how it happened:
Pancho Villa was the Robin Hood of his day
Pancho felt that the wealthy ruling class of Mexico were grinding on the face of the poor.  He rebelled against the government and assembled and led the largest army ever in Latin America. The people loved him, but to the authorities and government of the time, he was considered an outlaw, a rebel, and a very bad man. 
Captured and Imprisoned as Spies
During the Mexican Revolution, James Elbert Whetten (Bert), was the Mission President in Chihuahua.  Several years into the conflict, President Whetten and a Stake President (President Bentley), were captured and imprisoned by Villa’s men and accused of being spies for the American army. President Whetten demanded to speak to the leaders who had apprehended them. After three days of his insisting, he was finally given an audience with Villa and top military advisors. 
Execution or Spirit-driven Discussion?
After a few hours, President Whetten discovered that he was being put on trial. It was his burden to prove to them that he was a Mormon missionary and not a spy.  What was planned by the military brass to be a very short trial, ending in execution, became a 3- hour discussion about what the Church was doing in Mexico; the Book of Mormon; and the principles of the Gospel as applied by members of the Church in Mexico. 
“Is There Any Hope for Me?”
During this discussion Pancho and his top leaders were very impressed. In fact, one of his Generals, Felipe Angeles who was there stated,
“These men are doing with words and with books, what we’re trying to do with guns!” 
Pancho agreed with him, and then addressing President Whetten, soulfully asked,
 “I’ve done a lot of things in my life that I’m not proud of.  Do you think there is any hope for someone like me?”  
President Whetten assured him that there WAS hope for him.  Both Villa and Angeles said they wanted to learn more, and after the war they would find out more about the Gospel.  They gave President Whetten a letter of safe passage through any areas controlled by their soldiers, noting that the letter could also be his death warrant if the federal troops found it on his possession. 
Villa and his armies eventually took over and a new government was formed.  He became President of Mexico.  After ONE DAY, however, he realized that that job wasn’t for him.  He didn’t feel that he had the right education or temperament, and VOLUNTARILY gave over his Presidency to another, and was promptly double crossed and put in jail by the new president.  He was killed a few years later by enemies.
Pancho Villa Appears
FIVE DECADES LATER, in the middle of the night Bert Whetten woke from a sound sleep and was astonished to see Pancho Villa standing above the ground at the foot of his bed. 
Pancho seemed very sad and asked for Elder Whetten’s help.  He said,
“There is a beautiful city where everything is perfect.  I’ve tried and tried to get in, but they say I can’t get in without your help.”
Elder Whetten understanding what he was referring to replied,
“Well, President Bentley is on the other side of the veil with you. He can help you.”  But Pancho said,
“No, they said he can’t help me!”  
Elder Whetten responded,
“Ok, I’ll do what I can.”
Bert Whetten Clearing the Way for Temple Work
The next morning, feeling driven and determined, Bert Whetten got up and drove to Chihuahua City to meet with Villa’s widow and get pertinent dates and permission to do his temple work.  He later travelled to Mesa, Arizona, the nearest temple and announced to the temple president,
“I’m here to do the work for Pancho Villa.”
“The temple president was astounded and strongly resisted saying,
“No, you can’t do that! He was a notoriously bad man, and we don’t do temple work for people like that!”                                                                                                                                           
When Elder Whetten heard that, he got a big smile on his face, and said,
“I thought you might say that.” 
He then took out a letter he had obtained from the First Presidency allowing him to do Pancho’s work.  He was perhaps the only one alive who had the knowledge to convince the First Presidency of Villa’s inner workings.
That day Bert Whetten did the temple work for Doroteo Arango (a.k.a. Pancho Villa), a selfless act of service and love.
Just a side note.  Before Bert Whetten did the temple work in the early 1960’s, Pancho Villa was considered a villain and an outlaw throughout the world as well as in Mexico.  AFTER that time however, something changed, and historians and the Mexican Secretary of Education began writing about him as a great liberator.  Now he is considered a hero in Mexico.