Reaching Through the Veil shows how angels are a part of our everyday lives. This blog is designed to share your experiences, stories that you find, quotes from General Authorities, and scriptures that show that angels are a part of our lives.

Friday, September 21, 2018

The Experience of William L. Hansen

The following experience of William L. Hansen comes from the Book “Spirit World Manifestations: Accounts of Divine Aid in Genealogical and Temple Work” by Joseph Heinerman. It was first published in the Deseret News Church Section, May 27, 1933.)
“I had only passed my twentieth birthday a few months when I received a letter from “Box B,” signed by President John Taylor, asking me to report as soon as possible for a mission in Europe.
My father and brother, Nephi J. Hansen, arranged to buy all my earthly possessions, consisting of a good team of horses, harness and wagon and a new red two-wheel driving cart.
A few weeks after receiving this call, I was set apart by Apostle Abraham H. Cannon for the Swiss and German mission.  In company with my cousin, Angus J. Cannon and others, we were soon on our way to far-away Europe.
I think I shall never forget that parting at the railroad station of “Bahnoff” in Bern, when Lewis M. Cannon put my cousin and bosom companion, Angus J., on a train and sent him off to Germany and a short time after, putting me on another train going in the opposite direction to Geneva, on the Swiss border of France. ….
Elder Hansen stayed with a Brother Ripplinger, a young, unmarried Swiss convert.
I was fed and cared for as well as poor Brother Ripplinger could do under the circumstances.  My room was very small and close with no outside window.  My meals were also so different than I had ever been used to, and as we had been asked to leave what allowance money we did have at the mission office (as the missionaries were then traveling without purse or scrip) there was not much opportunity to make any further selections.
And so the days and weeks passed. Not being able to have an English conversation with anyone and this being my first experience away from home and loved ones, I began to be very, very homesick indeed.
Again and again I felt an irresistible feeling or longing to run away from it all and return home.  I could not sleep nor eat and poor Ripplinger began to be very much concerned about me.
One morning I felt an irresistible desire to take a long walk out in the country for the day.  While I was walking down a long lane in a very quiet farming district, I saw a beautiful grove of trees on a gentle slope away off to my left. An irresistible feeling prompted me to go there, and upon reaching the grove, I began to feel very happy.  I took off my hat and upon my bended knees began to pour out my heart to my Heavenly Father in most fervent prayer.  Realizing that no one could hear me, I wept aloud again and again with a really contrite heart and my whole soul was filled.
I arose to my feet, and as I did so, looking a little to my right, I saw my angel mother standing beside me.  An indescribable joy came over me and I cried aloud, “My mother!”  She answered in unmistakable tones, “My dear son, Willie.” As I was only 6 years old when my mother died, I could not remember her features very well, but as I looked upon that heavenly personage, I knew it was my own dear mother.
She was clothed in a long white robe, her dark wavy hair hung over her shoulders, her dark blue eyes were clear and expressive.  Her face was well rounded without the sign of a wrinkle and her whole countenance radiated a divine something that I shall never be able to describe.  My mother expressed also her joy at being permitted to visit me upon this occasion, that my true condition was known in heaven and she had been chosen to answer my prayers.
She then said, “The evil one has tried very hard to overpower you and to discourage you in honorably fulfilling your great mission, but he has been thwarted in his evil designs.”  Further, that I had been freed from this snare and was to be preserved to fulfill an honorable and successful mission.
My mother’s poise was so natural and so divinely graceful, her conversation so complete and consoling for this occasion, that it really seemed perfect and complete in every sense.  No mother could ever have understood her son better and no mother was ever able to administer more completely that joy and something so essential in my time of need as did my mother to me on this sacred meeting.
Thus, two or more hours were spent together, by far the most memorable of my whole life.  Mother also said she knew I was having a hard time with the German language and asked me to meet her at the grove again the next day at the same hour as she also wanted to be helpful to me in this.  She explained that I would not see her again just as I saw her that day, as this personal appearance and visitation was by a special and divine appointment. Then my mother disappeared exactly as she had come – almost unperceived.
The next appointment was sacredly kept, and after my humble prayer of gratitude, my mother began to communicate with me again.  This time I could not behold her person nor hear her voice just as I had done on the preceding day, but there seemed to be just as divine a presence and an unquestionably clear conversation under a much higher law than we could possibly enjoy in our communications with each other here.
We understood and exchanged thoughts more rapidly, clearly and satisfactorily than Is possible with human voices, for there was no worry about what to say and just how to say it to be properly and clearly understood.
Exactly all that took place on this occasion, I do not remember. But I do know that something did transpire whereby I was able from that time to easily understand, to read and even write this new language (German) and in a most surprising manner to myself and those with whom I came in contact.  This afternoon was almost as wonderful as the former visitation and I was again requested to come once more on the morrow for further instructions and divine assistance.
The following day was the same in every way as the second day. This time it was spent in recalling teachings I had received at home, in Sunday School, Primary and other places, pertaining to the principles, beauties and divinity of the Gospel I had come out to preach.
This was to be my last visit with my mother at this place. After many more loving things had been said to me, again renewing the exhortations and blessings I had received, she again expressed her tender motherly love for me and my welfare.  Then she left me alone to rejoice, to reflect and profit by the divine and wonderful experience.
I visited often this sacred place and always felt very happy in prayer and reading aloud the German books I had purchased, principally the Book of Mormon, which seemed to be as clear to me now in German, as it had in my own language.
I had suddenly become a new man with renewed ambitions and ability to speak, read, write and understand the German language, even to the amazement of Brother Ripplinger and almost everyone with whom I came in contact. I began to read the evening newspaper aloud to Brother Ripplinger and his fifteen tailors, much to their amusement and surprise for they told me I was reading it almost perfectly, although there was much I could not yet understand.
That Christmas, I was called to the mission office at Bern, Switzerland for the holidays.  They all seemed surprised and delighted at the unusual success I had had in acquiring the language.  I remember after speaking at one of the conference sessions which was held at this time, how the brethren bore testimony of the wonderful power of the Lord in helping his servants acquire a knowledge of the language, using me as new evidence.”
(“Spirit World Manifestations:  Accounts of Divine Aid in Genealogical and Temple Work” by Joseph Heinerman, pages. 185-189.)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

We can be angels to each other

When Elder Holland Spoke of Angels Among Us and the "Angel" Who Rescued a Lost Boy | Sep. 07, 2018

As we begin gearing up for general conference, we will be highlighting past conference talks to help us review, remember, and grow closer to the Spirit so that we can better recognize the Lord's voice and direction this coming October. This talk was given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland in October 2008. (Read the full talk here.) After discussing the myriad ways heavenly angels minister to us in mortality, Elder Holland shared this touching story:
I have spoken here of heavenly help, of angels dispatched to bless us in time of need. But when we speak of those who are instruments in the hand of God, we are reminded that not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day. Some of them reside in our own neighborhoods. Some of them gave birth to us, and in my case, one of them consented to marry me. Indeed heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that comes to mind. . . . May I share with you an account by my friend and BYU colleague, the late Clyn D. Barrus. I do so with the permission of his wife, Marilyn, and their family.
Referring to his childhood on a large Idaho farm, Brother Barrus spoke of his nightly assignment to round up the cows at milking time. Because the cows pastured in a field bordered by the occasionally treacherous Teton River, the strict rule in the Barrus household was that during the spring flood season the children were never to go after any cows who ventured across the river. They were always to return home and seek mature help.
One Saturday just after his seventh birthday, Brother Barrus’s parents promised the family a night at the movies if the chores were done on time. But when young Clyn arrived at the pasture, the cows he sought had crossed the river, even though it was running at high flood stage. Knowing his rare night at the movies was in jeopardy, he decided to go after the cows himself, even though he had been warned many times never to do so.
As the seven-year-old urged his old horse, Banner, down into the cold, swift stream, the horse’s head barely cleared the water. An adult sitting on the horse would have been safe, but at Brother Barrus’s tender age, the current completely covered him except when the horse lunged forward several times, bringing Clyn’s head above water just enough to gasp for air.
Here I turn to Brother Barrus’s own words:
“When Banner finally climbed the other bank, I realized that my life had been in grave danger and that I had done a terrible thing—I had knowingly disobeyed my father. I felt that I could redeem myself only by bringing the cows home safely. Maybe then my father would forgive me. But it was already dusk, and I didn’t know for sure where I was. Despair overwhelmed me. I was wet and cold, lost and afraid.
“I climbed down from old Banner, fell to the ground by his feet, and began to cry. Between thick sobs, I tried to offer a prayer, repeating over and over to my Father in Heaven, ‘I’m sorry. Forgive me! I’m sorry. Forgive me!’
“I prayed for a long time. When I finally looked up, I saw through my tears a figure dressed in white walking toward me. In the dark, I felt certain it must be an angel sent in answer to my prayers. I did not move or make a sound as the figure approached, so overwhelmed was I by what I saw. Would the Lord really send an angel to me, who had been so disobedient?
“Then a familiar voice said, ‘Son, I’ve been looking for you.’ In the darkness I recognized the voice of my father and ran to his outstretched arms. He held me tightly, then said gently, ‘I was worried. I’m glad I found you.’
“I tried to tell him how sorry I was, but only disjointed words came out of my trembling lips—‘Thank you … darkness … afraid … river … alone.’ Later that night I learned that when I had not returned from the pasture, my father had come looking for me. When neither I nor the cows were to be found, he knew I had crossed the river and was in danger. Because it was dark and time was of the essence, he removed his clothes down to his long white thermal underwear, tied his shoes around his neck, and swam a treacherous river to rescue a wayward son.”

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Angels Will Come By Larry Barkdull · July 29, 2018 Meridian Magazine

As we work to reclaim our wayward children, we are not alone. Often angels are dispatched to help us. These angels include our ancestors, whose love and concern for the child equals ours.
Redemption is the work of celestial people; thus it is the work of angels, as Heavenly Father employs them. We receive continual support in our quest to rescue our wayward children. As both Hezekiah and Elisha testified, there are many more who stand to help us than the powers that oppose our children and us.[i]
Joseph Smith taught, “The spirits of the just are exalted to a greater and more glorious work; hence they are blessed in their departure to the world of spirits. Enveloped in flaming fire, they are not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings, and motions, and are often pained therewith.”[ii]
Angels are agents of the Holy Ghost and speak and act by his power.[iii] That the keys of the ministering of angels[iv] have been restored should fill us with hope and faith. By virtue of the powers attendant to the Aaronic Priesthood, parents have the right to ask for angelic help in behalf of their children.
Angelic Ancestors
We all know that sometimes angels are those who now live on this earth, but often, angelic help comes in the form of our ancestors, they who perhaps understand better than we the power of the “welding link”[v] that binds us together through temple ordinances. They enjoy a clearer view of the importance of the children’s and their fathers’ hearts being turned to each other, and the sealing that must be set in place and not allowed to be broken lest “the earth will be smitten with a curse.”[vi] The Prophet Joseph revealed,
And now, my dearly beloved brethren and sisters, let me assure you that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul said concerning the fathers — that they without us cannot be made perfect — neither can we without our dead be made perfect.[vii]
Heaven and earth are partners in the cosmic work of salvation. Neither can we be made perfect without our fathers (we need their help) nor can they be made perfect without us (we provide them the saving ordinances). When we bless them with saving ordinances, they are suddenly endowed with power to help save our/their children. Elder Boyd K. Packer wrote, “Brother Widtsoe reaffirmed that ‘those who give themselves with all their might and main to this work [genealogical and temple work] receive help from the other side. Whoever seeks to help those on the other side receives help in return in all the affairs of life.’”[viii]
In this mutual redemptive effort, the hearts of the children and their fathers are turned to each other, or welded together, and the “promises made to the fathers” are planted “in the hearts of the children.”[ix] What promises? The promises of the Abrahamic covenant, which include the promise of salvation and eventual godhood. That is, as the fathers have covenanted to save us, their children, so we have covenanted to save them.
Angels are not Strangers
Our deceased ancestors, therefore, become ministering servants — angels of God — and their redemptive work continues. President Joseph F. Smith said, “When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow-beings and fellow-servants.”[x] Additionally, in his vision of the spirit world, he declared, “I beheld that the faithful elders [including sisters] of this dispensation, when they depart from mortal life, continue their labors in the preaching of the gospel of repentance and redemption, through the sacrifice of the Only Begotten Son of God, among those who are in darkness and under the bondage of sin in the great world of the spirits of the dead.”[xi]
Of the reality of ministering ancestral angels, a mother from Utah wrote,
One of my most precious experiences occurred when my wayward son had visited me and left me in tears once again. This child is like trying to hug a porcupine! He believes he is doing himself and everyone else a favor when he tells things “the way they are.”
That evening, I had been alone at home. Everyone in my support system was unavailable: my husband was away serving in a Church calling, my youngest son was at work, and my parents were out of town. I was completely defenseless when my son began to hurl unkind accusations and angry words.
I remember the searing pain and agony I felt in the wake of his tirade. When he stomped out the door, I sank to the floor and sobbed. I felt myself spiraling into despair and loneliness. I thought that I had nowhere to run and nobody to turn to. As I wept uncontrollably, I realized that I wasn’t alone; all I needed to do was talk to my Heavenly Father and ask for comfort.
What occurred then was unexpectedly beautiful and priceless. As I poured out my agony and begged not to be alone, I asked for someone to come be with me and help me through this horrible time. Soon, I began to feel a warmth creep across my body. Immediately to my right, I sensed the presence of a grandfather to whom I had been particularly close in my youth. Then, to my left, I sensed the presence of my husband’s grandmother, whom I had met only twice in our early marriage. She was sympathetic to my plight; she had lived her life without seeing any of her sons active in the Church. As these two family members stayed with me, I felt surrounded by love, peace, and the knowledge that families are connected in this life and the next.
My husband and I have had many experiences with ancestors helping us, but this experience was especially sweet because it came to me in such a difficult moment. It was a vivid reminder that we are never alone. When we need help we will be ministered to by spirits who love us, know us, and want to help us succeed.
Angelic Ministration is Central to the Restored Gospel
To discount the reality of the ministering of angels is to deny one of the supernal blessings of the restored gospel. As Moroni was closing the Book of Mormon, he exhorted us to believe in miracles and in the ministering of angels: “Wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain.”[xii]
At the April 2006 General Conference, President James E. Faust, quoting Joseph F. Smith, confirmed,
In ancient and modern times angels have appeared and given instruction, warnings, and direction, which benefited the people they visited. We do not consciously realize the extent to which ministering angels affect our lives. President Joseph F. Smith said, “In like manner our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh.
“Many of us feel that we have had this experience. Their ministry has been and is an important part of the gospel.[xiii]
Assembling the Powers of Earth and Heaven
We must not despair. In working with our wayward children, God will assemble all the powers of heaven and earth to achieve His glorious work. Whether our children have strayed from the path of truth, become lost by following a forbidden path, or consciously rebelled and run away to a far county, their Heavenly Father can find and rescue them. Even when they are so broken that they are no longer recognizable, He will patiently put them back together until they can bring forth good fruit.
No matter their choices and situations, God loves them and is constantly working to save and redeem them. And so are their family and friends that have gone before. We are never alone in the work of redemption.

[i] See 2 Chronicles 32:7–8.
[ii] Alma P. Burton, ed., Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 128.
[iii] See 2 Nephi 32:3.
[iv] See D&C 13:1.
[v] D&C 128:18.
[vi] D&C 128:18.
[vii] D&C 128:15.
[viii] John A. Widstoe, quoted in Boyd K. Packer’s The Holy Temple, 252.
[ix] D&C 2:2.
[x] Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith, 435.
[xi] D&C 138:57.
[xii] Moroni 7:37.
[xiii] James E. Faust, “A Royal Priesthood,” Ensign, May 2006, 50, emphasis added.